
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that all children and youth with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. NDDPI provides oversight of the special education programs within North Dakota.  NDDPI designs and implements policies and procedures for carrying out the requirements of the IDEA and ensures compliance with those policies and procedures. Compliance is documented and ensured through the monitoring process, technical assistance, training, and dispute resolution processes.


The United States Department of Education has determined that, under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) section 616(d)(2)(A)(i), North Dakota meets the requirements of Part B of the IDEA. This "Level of Determination is based on the totality of the State's data and information, including the State's Annual Performance Report (APR) and State Performance Plan (SPP), accuracy and timeliness of IDEA Section 618 Submission Data, and other publicly available information. The State's data are reflected in the Compliance Matrix document.

ND SPP/APR and OSEP Determinations

618 Table Data

Annual State Application under Part B of the IDEA
Maintenance of Effort Reporting
Coordinated Early Intervening Services
Time and Effort Reporting
Compliance Resources
Student Contracts & Notification System - Training

Transition planning for the movement from high school to adult living is required for all students receiving special education services, according to federal legislation, Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA 2004). IEP teams must now include transition planning in the first IEP that will be in effect when the child is 16 years of age, or younger if deemed appropriate by the IEP team. This website is designed to provide information as to the activities of the ND Department of Public Instruction, Office of Special Education, with regards to transition, along with other resources and links.

Secondary Transition IEP Process
ND Internal Monitoring Transition Requirement Checklist Indicator 13 Training Packet
Transition Assessment Process
Summary of Performance
Post Secondary Transitional Grant Program
Strategies for Closing the Achievement Gap for Students with Disabilities:

The North Dakota Striving Readers Grant and the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) in partnership with the National Dropout Prevention Center (NDPC) launched a year-long student to identify and scale best practices for students with disabilities. The NDPC conducted a targeted review to learn more about the policies, practices, and initiatives that have resulted in students with disabilities being prepared for their post-school roles.

Guardianship and Supported Decision Making

Indicator 14 Postsecondary Outcomes

Transition Community of Practice

Disability Services Council

Agency Resources and Adult Service Providers

Publications and Materials

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that each state have procedures in place to address disputes and conflicts between parents and schools regarding children ages 3-21 who receive special education services. The NDDPI, Office of Specially Designed Services ensures that the following options are available to anyone wishing to remedy conflicts regarding children receiving special education services.

Procedural Safeguards

IEP Facilitation 

ND Administrative Code 67-23-05-03 requires the IEP team to attempt to write an appropriate IEP independently before an impartial facilitator is assigned to assist the team in developing an acceptable IEP.

Mediation Procedures

State Complaint Procedures

Due Process Procedures

Due Process Decisions

Annual Report for IDEA Dispute Resolution


ND Special Education Dispute Resolution Options

CADRE - Dispute Resolution Options Comparison Chart

Protection and Advocacy "An independent state agency concerned with asserting the legal rights of people with disabilities." (800) 472-2670

Pathfinders (Parent Training and Information Center)

"Building education partnerships through teamwork, communication and coordinated effort." (701) 837-7500

Consortium of Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Education (CADRE) documents: Facilitated IEP Meetings: An Emerging Practice

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has required that each State Educational Agency (SEA) develop a State Systemic Improvement Plan that includes a comprehensive, multi-year focus on improving results for students with disabilities. The North Dakota State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), in line with State identified Measurable Result (SiMR), is focused on increasing the six-year extended graduation rate of students identified with emotional disturbance as a primary disability. The scope of NDDPI's effort is to provide support to local units with professional development in their planning model and process to keep students enrolled in school, bringing students back to school (re-entry), and assisting students to earn a diploma.

2023-2024 School Year Report

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (External Link)

Discipline and Behavior

Educational Surrogate

Eligibility Category

Endrew F. Decision and FAPE


Extended School Year

Gifted Programming

Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)

Individualized Education Program

Parent Information

Physical Education

Prior Written Notice (PWN)

PWN Examples:

  1. IEP Meeting Separate from Reevaluation IWAR Meeting PWN Example
  2. Dismissal from Services PWN Example
  3. Initial Evaluation PWN Example
  4. Referral but no Evaluation PWN Example
  5. Did Not Qualify PWN Example
  6. Eligibility and IEP Meeting Together - Initial PWN Example
  7. Annual IEP PWN Example
  8. Student Profile and Assessment Meeting - Initial PWN Example
  9. Reevaluation PWN Example
  10. Student Profile and Assessment Planning Meeting - Reeval PWN Example

Question and Answer Documents

Related Services

Specially Designed Instruction

Student Records

Student with Disabilities who Attend Private Schools

The statewide TIENET database is a web-based student file database available via a secured Internet site. This database contains all of the components of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and other forms required for students receiving special education service.