
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), was founded as a non-profit dedicated to improving teaching and student learning: 

  • Just as teachers differentiate instruction for their students, the National Board process differentiates for teachers. There are 25 certificates available across various disciplines, age ranges, and developmental levels.
  • 97% of teachers change their teaching after going through the National Board process.
  • ​More than a decade of research from across the country confirms that students taught by National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) outperform their peers taught by non-NBCTs.
  • The total number of NBCTs in North Dakota is 56.  For additional National Board statistics and information about North Dakota please visit the website.

What are the benefits of being an NBCT in North Dakota?

Financial Incentives

   •   North Dakota NBCTs receive a $1,000 annual stipend for the life of their certificate through a federal and state dollar match.

State Recognition

   •   In many states, National Board Certification meets the requirements for initial and/or advanced teacher certification, as well as license renewal.

Educational Credits

   •   Universities frequently provide graduate credit to teachers pursuing National Board Certification. Check with your local university to see if graduate credit is a possibility for you.

Leadership Opportunities

   •   Board certification can enable teachers to take on leadership roles—such as mentoring, leading professional development efforts, and advocating for policy changes—that allow them to advance their careers while staying in the classroom.


Maintenance of Certification (MOC), from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, is designed to recognize that National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) are continually growing professionally and maintaining a positive impact on student learning. In 2020-21, MOC will become the new pathway for NBCTs to keep their National Board Certification active. By successfully meeting MOC requirements, an NBCT's certification is extended by five years. MOC will replace the current 10-year certification renewal process. The National Board is moving to MOC to:

  • Make the Board certification process overall more affordable, more flexible, and more accessible to teachers
  • Align with the timeline for most states' teacher licensure renewal policies

When teachers become Board-certified, they demonstrate the knowledge and performance-based teaching practices that meet the National Board Standards of accomplished teaching. Maintaining certification will require Board-certified teachers to demonstrate professional growth on those same standards. The cost of MOC is significantly reduced from the current renewal process, with a cost of $495 (plus a $75 registration fee). MOC requires teachers to document evidence of professional growth over time within learning communities and for the benefit of students.