
Course Code Directory (CCD)

The CCD provides schools, districts, and the state a framework to identify state courses by specific course number, thereby providing analogous information across various levels of administration and consistency in reporting (NDCC 15.1-07-33). Schools may assign their own title for courses but must retain the required state course code number for recording purposes.

The CCD assists school administrators, counselors, students, and parents in schedule planning. It also provides course specific information including recommended prerequisites, recommended grade levels, credit options, and lists appropriate teacher certification levels for courses.

Course descriptions provide brief narratives, which outlines a broad scope of course context rather than being an exact outline of content. Schools identify the North Dakota content standards taught and may explore, develop, and implement activities and programs that go beyond these descriptions as they strive to prepare their students to be Choice Ready. Instructional decisions related to areas of curriculum selection and development, implementation, and assessment are choices made by local school districts.

Transfer Students/Credits

Aligning courses from other schools, states, and countries is imperative for educational planning. Best practices include reviewing the incoming transcript, seeking necessary information from the previous district for clarification of course content, and aligning previously earned courses with North Dakota course codes that are most appropriate. 

High School Credit Prior to 9th grade

Schools may elect to award high school credit to students who complete high school courses before entering Grade 9 if the course is equivalent to its high school counterpart and taught by a highly qualified teacher. 

Acceleration policies and procedures should be developed at the local level. Please note that this decision should be done on a case-by-case basis and given serious and deliberate thought. Once a student is accelerated into credit bearing courses, they begin building their formal grade point average (GPA) which may have an impact on such areas as: future financial awards, college preference, and or college entrance. 

Contact the Office of School Approval & Opportunity at (701) 328-2597 or (701) 328-2244 for additional information.


New Course Code Request Process

Course descriptions provide brief narratives which outline a broad scope of course context. The broad contextual nature allows schools the flexibility to design courses that fall within or go beyond these descriptions as they strive to prepare their students to be Choice Ready. Times may arise where a school may find it necessary to request a new course. New Course requests must be made on the following form, SFN 60065.

NDDPI reviews and processes request three times a year. Due dates for submitting new course code requests are as follows:

  • February 1 of the year before the start of the first semester of the year in which the course would be offered.
  • July 1 of the year before the start of the second semester of the year in which the course would be offered.
  • November 15 of the year before the start of the second semester of the year in which the course would be offered. 

Any request made after the due date will be saved and processed on the next review date.

*The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) publishes all changes and additions to the course listings three times a year; January, May, and October. 

Review Process

Upon receiving the course code request, the Office of School Approval & Opportunity reviews and cross-references the information provided with existing ND course codes in the content area requested. A cross-reference of the information with the national data bank of courses for content alignment and grade-level recommendations is also completed. This information is compiled and provided to the relevant Specialized Content Committee (SCC). The current committee includes representation from School Approval & Opportunity, Special Education, Career and Technical Education, and Academic Content Specialists. The SCC completes an in-depth review to analyze the information and standards provided. They may also request further information or consult field experts. After reviewing all the information, the SCC makes the final decision.

If approved, the course information is provided to the Education Standards and Practices Board for review. They determine what level of training/education the teacher requires to be highly qualified to teach the course. The Office of School Approval & Opportunity completes the final processing and notifies the requestor of the outcome of the request.

New Code Changes for 2021-2023 School Year Grades 9-12 (Revised 1-05-2023) 


New Course Code New Course Name
06101 Sign Language 6
06102 Sign Language 7-8
27131 Advanced Gaming and Design
06216 Spanish for Heritage Learners I
06217 Spanish for Heritage Learners II
60001 Religious Education K-3
60002 Religious Education 4-8
19010 Educating Exceptional Students
19020 Special Education Field Exp
17200 Heavy Equipment Operations
17201 Heavy Equipment Mechanics
60033 Catholic Studies through Literature
05069 Intro to Film Studies I
05070 Intro to Film Studies II
07038 Intro to Nursing
17235 Foundations of Welding
11579 AP Precalculus
14950 Capstone-Business Education
07950 Capstone-Health Sciences
27950 Capstone-Information Technology Education
04950 Capstone-Marketing Education
10950 Capstone-Technology & Engineering Education