Each Adult Learning Center is able to provide academic support for students who want to earn their GED®. The North Dakota GED® High School Diploma is based upon the successful completion of four exams – Reasoning through Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. The test is available in both English and Spanish and taken by computer.
Instruction towards the GED® is free and available at the Adult Learning Centers across North Dakota and several additional GED® test sites. Instruction also includes keyboarding and computer literacy which will also be helpful as you prepare for careers and college.
The minimum age for enrollment and testing in North Dakota is sixteen (16). Students are not required to take any courses or to prepare in any way for the GED® test. However, students may wish to assess their current academic skills or improve skills by attending the Adult Learning Centers, who provide instruction in the four content test areas, keyboarding and computer literacy, as well as career and college readiness skills. Instructional services are free and classes are held at convenient hours to meet your personal schedule and needs. If students attend an Adult Learning Center, they will also take the Civics Exam or be asked to provide documentation from the previous high school they passed it.
If interested in taking the GED®, any student is encouraged to do one of two things:
- Contact any Adult Learning Center regarding hours of services and enrollment, OR register and receive information about adult learning center locations, test sites, study resources, post-secondary transition, requesting test accommodations and test scheduling through the MyGED website. MyGED™ is the hub for all 2014 GED® test activities
- Acquiring a GED® may take as short as a few weeks or as long as several months; variables include time away from school, availability for classes/studying, attendance, and motivation. You can get a reasonably good idea on how long it will take you to complete when you make an appointment for your initial visit with the Adult Learning Center staff.
Where to test
The official GED® exams are given in an approved ND GED® Testing Center or Adult Learning Center. While it is possible to take all four tests in one day, it is highly recommended to take no more than two during one sitting. North Dakota approved testing sites can be located using the Adult Learning Center links above or visiting the GED website and creating a student account.
GED costs
Each of the four GED® exams costs $36. Because registration is completed online, you will need to pay for each exam using a credit or debit card, or through some other method under the assistance of the ALC/GED® test site staff.
Bank of North Dakota runs a program for actively enrolled students attending and utilizing state-sponsored Adult Education services. This program will reimburse or pay for the first and last assessments (passed assessments only). This does not include students just registering for the GED Test or utilizing the GED Testing Center.
GED attainment
Students who have met the eligibility requirements will be awarded a diploma from the Department of Public Instruction when he/she has successfully taken and passed all four (4) GED® exams with a minimum standard score of 145; scores of 165 and above are identified as “College Ready”. A student who meets all the requirements will receive an original diploma and transcript. A duplicate transcript and/or diploma can be requested in writing to the Department of Public Instruction. There is a $2.00 processing fee for each transcript and a $10.00 processing fee for each duplicate diploma.
How to request transcripts
There is a $2 processing fee for a copy of your transcript and/or $10 fee for a duplicate certificate. Please complete the “Authorization for Release of GED Records” and mail to NDDPI. Please allow 5-7 days for processing and return mailing. If you plan to come to the State Office to request a copy of your transcript or diploma in-person, please call ahead to confirm a NDDPI team member will be available to assist you.
Disability accommodations
If a student has a disability and wishes to request accommodations for an exam, the opportunity to do so is available at Adult Learning Centers through GEDTS.