Title III is part of the Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). It is specifically designed to benefit English Learners (ELs) and immigrant children and youth. This is a federal formula grant that North Dakota receives annually, the majority of which is sub-granted to school districts through an application process.
Title III - Part A Program
ND 2023-2024 Title III Grant Allocations
- CREA (Bismarck) - $58,706.78
- Fargo - $84,555.29
- Grand Forks - $23,570.33
- GNWEC (McKenzie Co) - $35,399.31
- RESP (Belfield) - $21,730.27
- Minot - $11,653.73
- RRVEC (Grafton) - $12,267.09
- SEEC (Mapleton) - $27,513.33
- West Fargo - $90,776.45
- Williston Basin - $39,780.41
ND 2022-2023 Title III Grant Allocations
- CREA (Bismarck) - $57,097.16
- Fargo - $80,711.42
- Grand Forks - $25,725.97
- GNWEC (McKenzie Co) - $34,011.58
- RESP (Killdeer) - $21,852.00
- Minot - $12,688.26
- RRVEC (Grafton) - $13,745.61
- SEEC (Mapleton) - $27,491.22
- West Fargo - $85,381.40
- Williston Basin - $35,421.39
Title Ill of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act was established to:
- Help ensure that English learners (ELs), including immigrant children and youth (ICY), attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English;
- Assist all ELs, including ICY, to achieve at high levels in academic subjects so that all ELs can meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet;
- Assist teachers (including preschool teachers), principals and other school leaders, State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools in establishing, implementing, and sustaining effective language instruction educational programs (LIEPs) designed to assist in teaching ELs, including ICY;
- Assist teachers (including preschool teachers), principals and other school leaders, State educational agencies, and local educational agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide effective instructional programs designed to prepare ELs, including ICY, to enter all-English instructional settings; and
- Promote parental, family, and community participation in language instruction educational programs for the parents, families, and communities of ELs.
The funding through Title Ill is available to districts or consortia of districts with EL populations generating a minimum award of $10,000. Due to the change in the number of ELs each year and the number of districts applying for funds, there is no specific number of ELs required to be eligible to receive Title Ill funds. In North Dakota, the allocation per EL student has varied between approximately $70-$150.
Title Ill funds are subgrants to eligible entities agreeing to expend the funds to improve the education of ELs by assisting the children to learn English and meet the challenging State academic standards. The eligible entity must use effective approaches and methodologies for teaching ELs and ICY for the following purposes:
- Developing and implementing new LIEPs and academic content instructional programs for ELs and ICY, including early childhood education programs, elementary school programs, and secondary school programs.
- Carrying out highly focused, innovative, locally designed activities to expand or enhance existing LIEPs and academic content instructional programs for ELs and ICY.
- Implementing schoolwide programs for restructuring, reforming, and upgrading all relevant programs, activities, and operations relating to LIEPs and academic content instruction for ELs and ICY.
- Implementing districtwide programs for restructuring, reforming, and upgrading all relevant programs, activities, and operations relating to LIEPs and academic content instruction for ELs and ICY.
Eligible entities must use the funds to:
- Increase the English language proficiency of ELs by providing effective LIEPs that meet the needs of English learners and demonstrate success in increasing English language proficiency and student academic achievement;
- Provide effective professional development to classroom teachers (including teachers in classroom settings that are not the settings of LIEPs), principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel; and
- Provide and implement other effective activities and strategies that enhance or supplement LIEPs for ELs which include parent, family, and community engagement activities and may include strategies that serve to coordinate and align related programs.
Title III - Immigrant Children and Youth Program
Immigrant Children and Youth grant allocations are based on current year enrollment. New allocations will be available after November of each school year.
ND 2023-2024 Immigrant Grant Allocations
- Bismarck - $8,181.23
- Harvey - $4,000.00
- Hettinger - $4,000.00
- West Fargo - $16,258.90
- Williston Basin - $7,559.87
ND 2022-2023 Immigrant Grant Allocations
- Mandan - $2,192.77
- McKenzie County - $3,204.82
- South Prairie - $2,361.44
- West Fargo - $29,180.73
- Williston - $19,060.24
ND 2021-2022 Immigrant Grant Allocations
- South Prairie - $4,000.00
ND 2020-2021 Immigrant Grant Allocations
- Carrington - $1,996.28
- Mandan - $1,996.28
ND 2019-2020 Immigrant Grant Allocations
- Bismarck - $31,616.77
- Carrington - $1,916.17
- McKenzie County - $6,467.07
The grants supporting immigrant children and youth (ICY) are part of Title Ill of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act. The purpose of the funds is to:
- Help ensure ICY develop high levels of academic achievement in English and English proficiency for ICY who are English learners (ELs);
- Assist all ICY to achieve at high levels in academic subjects so they can meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet;
- Assist teachers (including preschool teachers), principals and other school leaders, State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools in establishing, implementing, and sustaining effective language instruction educational programs (LIEPs) designed to assist in teaching ICY who are ELs;
- Assist teachers (including preschool teachers), principals and other school leaders, State educational agencies, and local educational agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide effective instructional programs designed to prepare ICY to succeed in the instructional settings; and
- Promote parental, family, and community participation in educational programs for the parents, families, and communities of ICY.
The funding for ICY is available to districts with populations showing a significant increase from the average of the two previous years. The population data must include the current year enrollment. Therefore, the grant allocations are calculated in October-November of each year after the fall enrollment due date. Districts in their first year of eligibility are awarded a one-time allocation of $4,000. District allocations are based on their enrollment of ICY with a minimum of $1,000 after the first year.
Title Ill ICY funds are sub-grants to districts agreeing to expend the funds to improve the education of ICY by assisting the children to learn English if necessary and meet the challenging State academic standards. The eligible district must use effective approaches and methodologies for teaching ICY for the following purposes:
- Developing and implementing new LIEPs for ICY who are ELs, including early childhood education programs, elementary school programs, and secondary school programs.
- Carrying out highly focused, innovative, locally designed activities to expand or enhance existing instructional programs for ICY.
- Implementing schoolwide programs for restructuring, reforming, and upgrading all relevant programs, activities, and operations relating to LIEPs and academic content instruction for ICY.
- Implementing districtwide programs for restructuring, reforming, and upgrading all relevant programs, activities, and operations relating to LIEPs and academic content instruction for ICY.
Eligible entities must use the funds to:
- Increase the English language proficiency of ICY who are ELs by providing effective LIEPs that meet the needs of ICY and demonstrate success in increasing English language proficiency and student academic achievement;
- Provide effective professional development to classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel; and
- Provide and implement other effective activities and strategies that enhance or supplement the instructional program for ICY which include parent, family, and community engagement activities and may include strategies that serve to coordinate and align related programs