
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) represents a unique opportunity to increase equity and access for all children. A new requirement under Section 8538 of ESSA requires affected Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to consult with Indian Tribes and tribal agencies on issues affecting Native American students.

ND Leadership Summit on LEA Local Consultation

  • Tribal Consultation Guide
  • Confirmation of Tribal Consultation Form

To receive copies of these documents via email, please contact the Indian Education Office.


2023 ESSA Tribal Consultation Meeting with MHA Nation

  • Monday, October 30, 2023
  • 1:00 - 2:30pm CT
  • MHA Satellite Office (MHA Sage Coulee Outreach & Wellness Center)
  • Bismarck, ND
  • Agenda
    • Welcome and Introductions
    • Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation - Agenda Items
    • NDDPI General Updates - Kirsten Baesler, ND State Superintendent, NDDPI
    • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) & ESSER Federal Updates - Laurie Matzke, Assistant Superintendent, NDDPI
    • Continuous Improvement Cycle, Cognia - Joe Kolosky, Director, Office of School Approval & Opportunity, NDDPI
    • SB 2254 Comprehensive Support & Improvement Update - Amanda Peterson, Director, Educational Improvement & Support, NDDPI 
    • Indian Education Updates - Lucy Fredericks, Director, Office of Indian/Multicultural Education, NDDPI
    • Early Childhood Updates - Kay Larson, DHHS
    • Discussion/Feedback
    • Q&A
    • Adjourn


2023 ESSA Tribal Consultation Meeting with Spirit Lake Tribe

  • Monday, November 20, 2023
  • 10:00am 
  • Agenda
    • Welcome & Introductions
    • NDDPI General Updates - Kirsten Beasler, ND State Superintendent, NDDPI
    • ESSA and ESSER Federal Updates - Laurie Matzke, Assistant Superintendent, NDDPI
    • Continuous Improvement Updates - Joe Kolosky, Director of School Approval & Opportunity
    • SB 2254 Comprehensive Support & Improvement Updates - Amanda Peterson, Director of Educational Improvement & Support
    • Indian Education Updates - Lucy Fredericks, Director of Indian/Multicultural Education
    • Early Childhood Updates - Kay Larson, DHHS
    • Discussion/Feedback
    • Questions & Answers
    • Conclusion

2024 ESSA Tribal Consultation Meeting with Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Health, Education, & Welfare Committee

  • Friday, March 8, 2024
  • 10:00am CT
  • Prairie Knights Casino
  • Agenda
    • Welcome & Introductions - Nola Taken Alive, Chairwoman, HEW Committee
    • NDDPI General Updates/Legislative Updates - Kirsten Baesler, ND State Superintendent
    • ESSA and ESSER Federal Updates - Laurie Matzke, Assistant Superintendent
    • Continuous Improvement Updates - Joe Kolosky, Director of School Approval & Opportunity
    • TSI/CSI Support - Amanda Peterson, Director of Educational Improvement & Support
    • Indian Education Updates - Lucy Fredericks, Director of Indian/Multicultural Education
    • Specially Designed Services Updates - Mary McCarvel-O'Connor, Director of Specially Designed Services
    • Early Childhood Updates - DHHS
    • Discussion/Feedback
    • Q&A

2023 ESSA Tribal Consultation Meeting with Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

  • Tuesday, May 30, 2023
  • 10:00am 
  • TMBCI Tribal Chambers, Belcourt ND
  • Agenda
    • Opening Prayer
    • Welcome and Introductions
    • TMBCI Agenda Items/Discussion
    • LEA School Reports
      • TMCS (K-12 report for TMES, TMMS, and TMHS)
      • Ojibwa Indian School
      • St. Ann's School
      • Dunseith
      • St. John
      • Rolette
      • Grand Forks School
      • Fargo Public School
    • NDDPI General Updates
    • ESSA & ESSER Federal Updates
    • CIC Cognia Updates
    • NDDPI Indian Education Updates
    • Discussion, Feedback, Q&A
    • Adjourn