
The Department of Public Instruction, Office of Special Education is committed to provide quality transition services to students with disabilities, ages 16-21 or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team. The regulations of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act) support both the intent and spirit of preparing for life after high school in a timely and seamless manner. Towards the goal, the Office of Special Education, regional and local stakeholders will work toward the following initiatives:

  • The Transition IEP must be written in collaboration with students, parents and agency personnel to serve as a vehicle for a balance of academic and functional curriculum which provides instruction, services and community experiences to each student based on individualized needs, preferences and interests. The Transition IEP must be used as a meaningful document to move the student from high school to the most appropriate setting thereafter;
  • Each student will be referred to any supporting adult service provider in a timely manner to document eligibility and services prior to high school exit/graduation to ensure a seamless transition;
  • The State agencies of Developmental Disabilities, Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid and Special Education will collaborate to maximize adult residential, social and employment services for students ages 18-21 who are ready for services before the 21st year;
  • To better prepare teachers and related providers, the Office of Special Education will prepare and deliver preservice coursework in Transition, and maintain opportunities for in-service training and technical assistance;
  • The state monitoring system will include transition and evaluation of effective and quality indicators of agency, community and school collaboration, as well as student participation;
  • Follow up studies will be coordinated and maintained to identify post secondary results and document transition indicators.
  • Technical assistance will be readily available regarding the key topics of student advocacy, functional vocational assessments, community based instruction and placement, various media publications, and multiple topical areas for all stakeholders;
  • The Office of Special Education will continue to work with a collaboration of statewide stakeholders regarding the transition systems and interagency services through the collaboration of the State Transition Steering Council.