North Dakota was awarded $4,833,025 from the US Department of Education for the Stronger Connections Grant Program (SCG). Due to the high interest and strong applications, NDDPI was able to supplement the SCG funds with ESSER III Learning Loss funds out of the ND set aside, making the total awarded: $5,930,715.58. This competitive grant provides the opportunity for high-need LEAs to improve conditions for student learning by encouraging schools to implement a comprehensive plan incorporating evidence-based activities, programs, and practices to create safer and healthier learning environments that promote positive school climates as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 4108. (20 U.S.C. 7118) ACTIVITIES TO SUPPORT SAFE AND HEALTHY STUDENTS.
The Stronger Connections Grant funds were awarded to high-need LEAs through a competitive grant process and must have aligned and fund activities allowable under section 4108 of the ESEA. High-need LEAs were identified using the following three indicators: (1) high percentages of students living in poverty (40 percent or higher), (2) high rates of chronic absenteeism, and (3) high rates of students who are disengaged. See the District High-Needs Score chart, identifying the high-need LEAs.
The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction is excited to announce the 13 North Dakota school districts that received grant awards. Funds will be disseminated over a three-year period beginning with the 2023-24 school year.
School District | Amount Awarded |
Devils Lake | $759,002.06 |
Dickinson | $1,108,789 |
Divide County | $418,960 |
Drayton | $458,667 |
Ellendale | $366,791 |
Grafton | $300,372.45 |
Grand Forks | $793,045 |
Midway | $121,778 |
New Rockford-Sheyenne | $110,100 |
North Sargent | $450,367 |
Rugby | $529,000 |
Solen | $279,945.16 |
St John | $233,898.91 |
Applicant Resources
- Application Requirements
- District High-Needs Score
- Equitable Services Guidance
- FAQs
- Use of Funds
- Scoring Rubric
- Alignment Examples
- School Security and Safety
- Evidence-Based Resources
- Evidence-Based Intervention Tiers
- School Climate Survey
- SCG Supplemental Funds Spending Requirement