
By October 1 each year, North Dakota K-3 public and nonpublic elementary schools will report to NDDPI what training they have approved for individual teachers and principals and the status of implementing and completing training. If the training content, quality, or time invested falls short, schools may be asked for documentation to ensure all teachers and principals have met the law. 

 The report will capture information in the following areas:   

  • Reading curriculum and instruction,  
  • Professional development and training for grades K-3 teachers and principals, or demonstrated mastery of literacy topics by teachers and principals; and  
  • Assessment instruments to diagnose reading development and comprehension.

If you are responsible for completing the Reading Curriculum and Professional Development Report and are not seeing it on your STARS dashboard, please have the district superintendent grant you access using this help guide.

Reading Curriculum and Professional Development Annual Report

The NDDPI has created guidelines to assist with interpreting and implementing NDCC 15.1-21-12.1. The department has been collaborating closely with the North Dakota Regional Education Association (NDREA) on this work. Each of the REAs is also a great resource for schools and districts. 

Please email questions to or contact Ann Ellefson or Brenda Ehrmantraut in the Office of Academic Support at (701) 328-2260.

