
School Program Reimbursement Rates 2024-2025

Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

USDA Foods Value $ 0.45**

Meal                 Type           Free Rate    Reduced Rate    Paid Rate    State Reduced    State 200
BreakfastRegular $       2.37 $                2.07 $       0.39 $                  0.30$  1.98
BreakfastSevere Need $       2.84 $                2.54 $       0.39 $                  0.30$  2.45
Lunch + .09 MPS*Regular $       4.52 $                4.12 $       0.51$                   0.40$  4.01
Lunch + .09 MPS*Esp Need $       4.54 $                4.14 $       0.53$                   0.40$  4.01
After School SnackRegular $       1.21 $                0.60 $       0.11  
After School SnackAt Risk $       1.21    

                *MPS (Meal Pattern Certification)

               **For the NSLP in the 2024-2025 school year, the effective meal rate is $0.45. This includes the base per meal rate of                   $0.30, plus additional funding from the 12% provision dollars and $20 million allocated for breakfast programs. 


MealTypeFree Act. IDReduced Act. IDPaid Act. IDState Reduced Act. IDState 200 Act. ID
BreakfastSevere Need06050605060506950690
LunchEsp Need06040604060306850680
After School SnackRegular060406040603NANA
After School SnackAt Risk0604NANANANA


Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

1/2 Pint Rate$0.2700
Activity ID0218

School Program Reimbursement Rates 2023-2024

Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

USDA Foods Value $ 0.3650

                    Meal                           Type               Free Rate        Reduced Rate        Paid Rate       State Reduced    State 200
BreakfastRegular $       2.28 $                1.98 $       0.38 $                  0.30$   1.90
BreakfastSevere Need $       2.73 $                2.43 $       0.38 $                  0.30$   2.35
Lunch + .08 MPS*Regular $       4.33 $                3.93 $       0.48$                   0.40$  3.85
Lunch + .08 MPS*Esp Need $       4.35 $                3.95 $       0.50$                   0.40$  3.85
After School SnackRegular $       1.17 $                0.58 $       0.10  
After School SnackAt Risk $       1.17    

                *MPS (Meal Pattern Certification)


MealTypeFree Act. IDReduced Act. IDPaid Act. IDState Reduced Act. IDState 200 Act. ID
BreakfastSevere Need06050605060506950690
LunchEsp Need06040604060306850680
After School SnackRegular060406040603NANA
After School SnackAt Risk0604NANANANA


Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

1/2 Pint Rate$0.2650
Activity ID0218



Meal Pricing

Especially Needy rate is provided to local agencies serving a school population in which 60% or more of meals are served to children qualifying for free and reduced-price meals. An extra $.02/lunch is provided in meal reimbursement.

Severe Need rate for breakfast is provided to local agencies in which at least 40% of the lunches served two years previous were claimed at the free or reduced-price rate.

Federal regulations provide guidance on pricing student and adult meals.

Pricing Student Meals

Sponsors may operate as a charge or no-charge program.  Charge programs establish and collect student payments.  No-charge programs do not collect payments from students.  The sponsor has discretion in establishing student meal prices.  It is recommended that the established charge, at a minimum, cover the cost of producing the meal.  For School Year 2023-24, there are several meal price changes.  The .30 charge for reduced breakfast and the .40 charge for reduced lunch will be reimbursed by the state of ND.  Please set your ND Foods and POS systems for reduced breakfast and reduced lunch to zero. NDFoods will automatically calculate and reimburse the school for the meals.   During the 2023 Legislative Session, SB2284 included funding to expand the Federal Income Guidelines for students from families making up to 200% of the poverty guidelines, to receive Free Breakfast and Lunch.  If you did not attend one of the DPI Webinars in June, please view the information on our website and contact our office for further questions.  The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act has a provision to gradually raise prices to the amount USDA reimburses for free meals.  The PLE tool is below.  There is no requirement to complete it if your non-profit food service account has a positive balance on June 30th, 2023.  Please contact our office for the current 2024-25 Pricing Tool. 

  • Pricing Memo
  • PLE Tool 2024-2025 - Please contact our office for assistance 

Pricing Adult Meals

For the 24-25 school year, it is recommended that the adult lunch price be at least $.96 higher than the highest student price in a school that has student pricing, and the adult breakfast price must be at least $.39 higher than the highest student price.  For a non-pricing school where all meals are provided at no charge to students, adult meal pricing must be at least the same as the reimbursement received for a free meal plus the value of commodities.  For the 24-25 school year in a non-pricing school, this means that an adult breakfast must be set at $2.84 or higher, and an adult lunch price would be $4.99 or higher.


Food and Nutrition Service    REV. 1
3101 Park Center Drive Alexandria, VA 22302

ACTION BY:    Regional Directors
Special Nutrition Programs SOURCE CITATION: Section 210.6 and 220.6
Pricing of Adult Meals in the National School Lunch And School Breakfast Programs

This Instruction sets forth the policy on pricing of meals served to adults under the National School Lunch, Commodity School and School Breakfast Programs in participating schools and institutions which claim reimbursement under Sections 4 and 11 of the National School Lunch Act and Section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act.    Since the expressed purpose of Federal assistance is to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation’s children, meals served to adults are neither eligible under the authorizing legislation and regulations for Federal cash reimbursement, nor do they earn donated food assistance for the school food authority.

Since implementation of the cost accountability revisions of Public Law 97-35, program funds (other than severe need breakfast funds) are available to school food authorities for use within their overall nonprofit school food service operations, rather than being restricted solely to the financing of program specific costs.    Nevertheless, school food authorities must ensure to the extent practicable, that the Federal reimbursements, children’s payments, and other nondesignated nonprofit food service revenues do not subsidize program meals served to adults.
Also, while FNS Instruction 770-1 allows donated foods to be used for preparing food items served in adult meals, the current per-meal value of entitlement and/or bonus donated foods must be taken into consideration in establishing the price charged to adults for meals.

Breakfasts and lunches served to teachers, administrators, custodians and other adults must be priced so that the adult payment in combination with any per-lunch revenues from other sources designated specifically for the support of adult meals (such as State or local fringe benefit or payroll funds, or funding from voluntary agencies) is sufficient to cover the overall cost of the lunch.    Including the value of any USDA entitlement and bonus donated foods used to prepare the meal.    If cost data are not available, the minimum adult payment should reflect the price charged to students paying the school’s designated full price, plus the current value of Federal cash and donated food assistance (entitlement and bonus) for full price meals.    In nonpricing programs, the adult charge should be at least the amount of reimbursement received for a free lunch under Section
4 and 11 of the National School Lunch Act, plus the per-meal value of both entitlement    and bonus donated foods, or for breakfasts, the rate established for free meals under Section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act, plus the value of bonus commodities.

Meals served to adults who are directly involved in the operation and administration of the school nutrition programs may, at the discretion of the school food authority, be furnished at no charge.    As such, their cost may be fully attributed to and supported by the nonprofit food service operation.

Meals served to these adults may not be claimed for reimbursement or counted towards the donated foods entitlement.    The determination of individuals, positions involved, and the degree to which their services are attributed to the nonprofit food service program operations is left to State and local officials.