The NDDPI is required by federal law to monitor local Title I, Title II, Title III, Title IV, Private School Equitable Services, English Learners, Homeless, and Foster Care programs to ensure compliance with programmatic and fiscal regulations.
2024-2025 Districts Selected for Federal Title Programs Monitoring
Federal Title Programs Monitoring Webinar
- Webinar Recording - November 12, 2024
Upload Requirements
All monitoring submissions must be uploaded to the Federal Title Monitoring report in STARS. The window to submit documentation is November 26, 2024, through January 20, 2025. Please clearly label each submission (e.g., D01, TA02, SW03, etc.) and upload documentation to the designated folder.
Federal Title Programs Monitoring Guide (includes Sample Documents):
- Overview
- District Administration D01-D05
- Fiscal (UGG) D06-D09
- Title I District Administration D10-D14
- Equitable Services D15-D18
- Title II District Administration D19-D22
- English Learners EL01-EL16
- Foster Care-Homeless FC/H01-FC/H06
- Title I Private School Program P01-P13
- Title I Schoolwide SW01-SW15
- Title I Targeted Assistance TA01-TA14
- Title IV SSAE01-SSAE09