
The unique historical relationship between Tribal Nations and the United States government is a special federal-Indian relationship. This federal-Indian relationship was shaped by the United States Constitution and treaties, and as living documents, the United States Constitution and treaties between tribal Nations is the foundation for the special federal “fiduciary” responsibility for the education of Native learners.

Under various pieces of federal legislation, the United States Congress has stipulated that its responsibility is to ensure that educational programs for all American Indian students and adults meet specific criteria. These programs should (a) focus on high-quality, internationally competitive content and performance standards and (b) reinforce the Indian culture and the Indian community.

The U.S. Office of Indian Education in Washington directly offers a number of programs. These programs may be offered to schools through Formula Grants, Demonstration Grants, and Professional Development Grants.  

ND Indian Education Summit Flier





The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI), Office of Indian/Multicultural Education and the North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission cordially invite you to join us for our 10th Annual North Dakota Indian Education Summit (NDIES) on July 18 & 19, 2024, at the ND State Capitol building in Bismarck ND.

The Indian Education Summit is designed to provide professional development and education on best practices in Indian education and is open to all ND educators. Get a sneak peek at the draft agenda and breakout session schedule below.

The event will include two full days of dynamic keynotes, educational breakout sessions, cultural presentations, breakfast, lunch, snacks, beverages, product vendors, informational booths, handouts/resource materials, valuable door prizes, and great networking opportunities.

There is limited space available for this popular annual event, so be sure to register early. 


2024 Registration Catagories and Fees

  • Early Bird Attendee Registration Fee (April 5 - May 17) - $145
  • Attendee Registration Fee (May 17 - June 30) - $175
  • Late Attendee Registration Fee (July 1 - 15) - $200
  • Product Vendor Fee (7:30a - 5:00p, both days) - $100
  • Informational Exhibitor Fee (11:00a - 1:00p, both days) - $50
  • Presenter Registration - FREE

**On-site registrations will NOT be accepted.**

If you have any questions please contact the Indian Education Office.

If you or your business would like to sponsor the 2024 ND Indian Education Summit, 10th Anniversary Celebration, at any level through monetary donations or door prize donations, please contact the Indian Education Office.

The generous 2024 event sponsors include:

Spirit Lake Tribe
P.O. Box 359
Fort Totten, ND 58335

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
P.O. Box D
Fort Yates, ND 58538

Three Affiliated Tribes-MHA Nation
HC3 Box 2
New Town, ND 58763

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
P.O. Box 900
Belcourt, ND 58316

Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate
7 Chestnut St E,
Sisseton, SD 57262