
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress has approved a number of emergency support measures to provide education funding.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed by President Trump on March 27, 2020. This emergency funding is a relief package intended to provide school districts with additional funding to provide support and services for K-12 education.


Reducing Teacher Shortages Grant Opportunity

Reducing Teacher Shortages Invitation to Submit Proposals under an Application of the ND Department of Public Instruction


CyberSavvy Futures Grant: Fueling AI, Cybersecurity, and STEM Summer Camps

A funding opportunity for eligible organizations offering 2024 summer programs in AI, Cybersecurity, and/or STEM for K-12 students. 


2024 Summer Reading Grants

A funding opportunity for North Dakota public libraries and schools that participate in summer reading challenges or other literacy initiatives during the summer months.