
What are content standards?

Content standards serve as a model for developing teaching and learning goals and expectations for what students should learn and be able to do at each grade level. Content standards are set for each grade, beginning with kindergarten through grade 12. Our vision is that all students will graduate choice-ready with the knowledge, skills, and disposition to be successful. 

Who sets the education standards? 

Each state sets its content standards, which are reviewed and updated regularly to meet the current education goals. Local school districts adopt the curriculum to meet the standards. Each school district may set more rigorous standards; however, no district shall use any state content standards less rigorous than those set forth in the North Dakota Century Code 15.1-21.

North Dakota CASE Server

Please visit the North Dakota CASE Server to access a machine-readable version of the official North Dakota Content Standards North Dakota CASE Server. The CASE version of the standards can be uploaded to student information systems, curriculum mapping programs, and various other uses. Directions for Accessing and Utilizing the ND CASE Server.

North Dakota Standards-Based Learning

Please visit to access the priority standards and proficiency scales the North Dakota Regional Education Association developed. 

North Dakota Career and Technical Education

The North Dakota Department of Career and Technical Education (NDCTE) also has content standards to assist in preparing students for entry into industry sectors for post-secondary education. The NDCTE develops these standards to ensure each program area offers courses that allow students to acquire essential knowledge and skills.

North Dakota Early Learning Content Standards

The North Dakota Early Learning Content Standards provide educational guidelines for school and district curriculum development. These standards focus on the development of skills of young children before entering grades K-12 and show how learners develop socially, cognitively, physically, and linguistically during those early years.

The 2018 Early Learning Content Standards are currently under revision. The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services is facilitating the work on the revision.