Schoolwide Program Plan
The data gathered during the needs assessment is used to develop a plan describing how the school will improve academic achievement and address the identified needs throughout the school, particularly for the lowest-achieving students [ESSA 1114(b)(7)]. The required components of a schoolwide program plan are found in ESSA 1114(b) and Supporting School Reform by Leveraging Federal Funds in a Schoolwide Program.
An eligible school operating a schoolwide program shall develop a comprehensive plan that:
- Is developed during a one-year period.
- Is developed with the involvement of stakeholders (parents, community members, and individuals who will carry out the schoolwide program).
- Remains in effect for the duration of the school’s participation in the Title I, Part A program.
- Must be regularly monitored and revised as necessary based on student needs.
- Is available to stakeholders, is in an understandable and uniform format, and provided in a language that the parents can understand (where practicable).
- If appropriate and applicable, a schoolwide program should be developed in coordination and integration with other federal, state, and local services, resources, and programs, such as programs supported under ESSA, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start programs, adult education programs, career and technical education programs, and schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under ESSA 1111(d).
- Is based on a comprehensive needs assessment.
- Includes a description of –
- The strategies that will be implemented to address school needs and how the strategies will
- Provide opportunities for all children
- Use methods and instructional strategies that strengthen the academic program, increase the amount and quality of learning time, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum.
- Address the needs of all children in the school. A suggested list of activities to address needs in a schoolwide program can be found in ESSA 1114(b)(7)(A)(iii).
- The strategies that will be implemented to address school needs and how the strategies will
Examples of Effective Program Design
The program design of a schoolwide program should reflect evidence-based reform strategies that are directly aligned with the findings of the comprehensive needs assessment. The program design may vary to meet the different needs of grade levels and content areas in the school. All federal, state, and local resources (staff, materials, labs, computers, professional development, etc.) must be coordinated to improve student achievement. Title I should not be the only funding source for the schoolwide program. The following examples may be included in a school’s program design:
- Resource teachers to model effective instruction; provide ongoing professional development; assist in strengthening lesson plans to reflect the state standards; and provide guidance on curriculum alignment. The teachers could address needs such as writing, reading in the content area, and integrating arts/humanities and practical living into the classroom.
- Content specialist in a computer lab to collaborate with the classroom teacher on using a variety of strategies to answer open-response items; developing writing prompts; using spreadsheets and graphs, and finding computer programs that address higher-level thinking skills. The content specialist could address identified needs such as writing, technical reading, reading comprehension, and problem-solving.
- Science/math lab teacher to develop hands-on activities and experiments to enhance/expand instruction.
- Extended kindergarten to provide early intervention that aligns with primary instruction.
- Specific academic, evidence-based models aligned with the school’s needs assessment that provide early intervention strategies.
- Total school restructuring efforts based on evidence-based process models that are goal-oriented and based on setting high expectations.
- Software programs that coordinate with student performance standards and expand higher-order thinking skills.
- Parent coordinator to train teachers and parents, develop community partnerships, and coordinate with family literacy programs to help meet the instructional needs of students.
- Intersession programs for year-round schools, summer school, and expanded or extended day programs.
- Classroom programs or evidence-based models that improve students’ academic achievement.