ND Adult Education Mission:
NDDPI promotes and supports programs at no cost that help individuals over the age of 16 obtain basic academic and educational skills to be productive workers, family members, and citizens.
ND Adult Education Vision:
Our vision is that adult education classes provide a second opportunity for adult learners committed to improving their academic and career skills and assist adults to be contributing and successful citizens.
ND Adult Education Goals/Objectives:
Maximize services to meet adult needs in all eight ND regions and five correctional sites, remove barriers prohibiting success, and prepare for post-secondary and workforce opportunities through partnerships with other agencies. Our goal is to provide services for all adults who meet the definition, with focus on tribal, rural, and New American populations in our state.
The Road to Success:
The North Dakota Adult Education: The Road to Success, is a printable resource that may be shared with local adult learning center staff, constituents, prospective students, and other community members. This book includes an introduction about adult education, some statistics and facts about adult education, and shares student success stories from around the state, representing each region. In the back you will find a sites directory of all adult learning centers in North Dakota.
Should you not find what you need on this website, please contact the Adult Education Office at (701) 328-2393. Our office is located on the 11th floor of the State Capitol and is open 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.
A Glimpse into North Dakota Adult Education:
The A Glimpse into North Dakota Adult Education video provides an overview of North Dakota Adult Education, highlights real student stories, and show what one would see in the Adult Education classroom. Take a peek to see how Adult Education makes a difference in the lives of adults in North Dakota.