- Claims Review Process (Edit Check)
- Use this form to perform the required edit check that is found in 7 CFR 210.8(a)(3) of federal regulations. It requires schools to compare daily counts of free, reduced-price and paid meals against the number of students enrolled in the district multiplied by the attendance factor. Most computerized meal counting systems incorporate the edit check into the process. Schools should print this out, look through it for errors and include it with the monthly claim documentation.
- Racial/Ethnic Data Form
- The Racial/Ethnic Data Form is another required form that assists with monitoring Civil Rights compliance. This form is filled out based on the race and ethnicity reported on qualifying free and reduced-price meal applications each year. It must be kept for the same length of time that the meal applications are kept.
- Food Service Contract-SNP
- This template should be used to enter into an agreement with another entity when meals are needed for the school
- Medical Statement to Request School Meal Modification
- When a student needs a modification to the meal pattern of any meal that would make the meal nonreimbursable, this form should be signed by the student’s medical provider along with why the modification is needed and what needs to be modified.
- NSLP/After School Snack Program Sponsor Monitor Review Form
- A review of the After school snack program must be done twice a year. The first review must occur within the first 4 weeks of the beginning of the program. A second review must happen before the program ends each year (July 1 to June 30)
- Site Monitoring for National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
- For schools with more than one site in the district. The meal counting procedures and other general program areas must be reviewed before February 1st of each school year. The annual site monitoring must be available each year between the Administrative Reviews.
- Hiring Waiver
- School districts with less than 500 students who can not find a qualified candidate to take the Food Service director position will use Professional Standards Hiring Waiver. Please follow the directions on the waiver for submission.
- Professional Standards Log
- Annual Professional development must be tracked. You may use any tracker you would like. This form is a simple one designed for North Dakota schools. Find an online version made by USDA – FNS at: https://pstrainingtracker.fns.usda.gov/
- Professional Standards Learning Topics - Key Areas
- This is a list of acceptable topics for school meal programs staff to take training on. Items not on this list, such as School Bullying or Security, are not acceptable for annual Professional development.
- Ideas for Training: The USDA–FNS has a database of available resources you may use for training. Some are free; some are not. Find the database at: https://professionalstandards.fns.usda.gov/
- Temperature Logs: There are several temperature logs that school kitchens are required to keep depending on your Standard Operating Procedures:
- Food Storage areas – Freezers, Coolers, milk cooler (if used for storage) & Food Pantry
- Cooling Temperature log
- Dishwasher Temperature log – not required in ND, but a best practice
- Food Production Temperature log – can be kept in the production record book instead
- NonProgram Foods Revenue Calculator
- For all schools selling ala carte items, seconds, adult meals, catering meals, and any food outside the meal programs, the NonProgram Foods Revenue calculator (or a similar expense/revenue ratio) must be calculated annually to ensure that the prices charged for each item covers the cost. There are only 4 numbers you need to find on the annual 05 Fund (Foodservice) Revenue and Expense statement:
Expense: The total cost of all reimbursable meals / The total cost of all nonprogram food
Revenue: The total revenue received for nonprogram food / The total revenue received in the 05 fund for the year
The spreadsheet will make the calculation of how much revenue was required and, more importantly, how much additional revenue is required for compliance with the HHFK mandate that non-program food revenue must cover the expense to sell it, i.e., if it costs a school district $.84 to bring in a piece of pizza then the school district must charge at least $.84 to cover the cost.
Please calculate these numbers and keep this spreadsheet each year for use in the resource management portion of the Administrative Review.
- For all schools selling ala carte items, seconds, adult meals, catering meals, and any food outside the meal programs, the NonProgram Foods Revenue calculator (or a similar expense/revenue ratio) must be calculated annually to ensure that the prices charged for each item covers the cost. There are only 4 numbers you need to find on the annual 05 Fund (Foodservice) Revenue and Expense statement:
- Breakfast Menu Worksheet
- Use this menu worksheet to plan 5 days of breakfast. Remember to plan 4 items over the required 3 components. Students must choose 3 items at breakfast, and at least one of those items is at least ½ cup of fruit or vegetable.
- Lunch Menu Worksheet
- Use this menu worksheet to plan 5 days of lunch. There are spaces for each food component to ensure they are accounted for in the menu daily; the daily and weekly minimum portion sizes are met, along with vegetable subgroups over the week.
- School Review Readiness Checklist
- This checklist is an important list of everything the school should be accomplishing, has completed, or is tracking each year for a federally compliant school nutrition program. Those schools up for an Administrative Review of the school lunch and other meal programs will find this a helpful list to prepare them for a successful and expedient review.
For a copy of any form, please contact dpicnfd@nd.gov