A mandated study on interim assessments was conducted by NDDPI following the 2021 Legislative Session. A committee was put together to study this subject and provide feedback to various groups, as well as provide suggested language to replace the repealed interim assessment language. In the following legislative session, language surrounding interim assessments was re-instated into North Dakota Century Code.
Interim assessments need to be administered in grades K-10 for mathematics and reading. At least two administrations are required annually, and schools can achieve this by using the state-provided interim assessment or using an interim assessment from the state-approved vendor list. Any interim assessment vendor operating in North Dakota must electronically share assessment data with the state longitudinal data system (SLDS).
NDDPI has partnered with Pearson to create a new assessment system. ND A-PLUS or ND A+ consists of interims and a state-wide summative assessment. The interims that are a part of this system will serve as the state-provided interim assessments and are provided at no costs to the districts. More information can be found on the ND A+ page.
Interim assessment vendors that meet the defined criteria will be listed in the accordion below and are then approved to serve districts in ND. This process starts by vendors accessing SFN 62331 – State-Approved Interim Assessment and submitting the form as directed. NDDPI will review the form and inform the vendor of its status. It is important to remember that it is the responsibility of the vendor and district to ensure that interim assessment data is shared with the SLDS. Districts are responsible for the costs associated with state-approved interim assessments.
Many different factors can play into the decision-making process of selecting the right interim assessment/interim assessment vendor. The Center for Assessment, a national organization dedicated to assisting states and districts in implementing sound assessment practice, created the District Assessment Procurement Protocol (DAPP). The document/protocol is designed to support district leaders in selecting high-quality assessment products and vendors.
Vendors will be added here as they are approved and will be listed alphabetically.
- Curriculum Associates, LLC
- Edmentum
- Pearson Assessments
- Renaissance Learning, Inc.