Introduction and Background of the ND Transition Assessment Matrix
- The ND Transition Assessment Matrix tool was developed to provide assistance to professionals when selecting the types of transition assessments to use for evaluating student's skills related to the student's postsecondary goals. (IDEA 2004 Regulation 300.320(b) Transition Services. Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP Team, and updated annually, thereafter, the IEP must include - (1) Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills..)
- This tool was developed by a subcommittee of the ND Secondary Transition Community of Practice Advisory Council. This subcommittee consisted of representatives from the following agencies: State and Local Education, State and Local Rehabilitation and Consulting Services, ND University System Disability Services Support Providers, and Developmental Disabilities Services. (Sarah Anderson, Ron Dahley, Janet Green, Cheryl Hess, Peggy Lutovsky, Bunnie Johnson-Messelt, Fern Olson, Marlene Seaworth, Laurie Skadsem, and Gerry Teevens)
- The Matrix includes:
- Recommend transition service activities per grade.
- A listing of potential skill areas to assess based on the student's postsecondary goals and transition services needs. The Matrix is arranged around the transition domain areas of independent living, Post Secondary Education/Training, Jobs and Job Training, and Related Services.
- For each skill area listed in each transition domain a link is provided to various tools that could be used to assess that particular skill area.
Directions to use the Matrix
The Matrix is designed as a powerpoint. After downloading the powerpoint, you must click the enable editing button on the top of the page. Slides three and four of the powerpoint are the Matrix Tool. Using those two slides, right click on the skill area you wish to assess and choose open hyperlink. A link will then take you to a list of tools that could be used to assess that particular skill area. When you have accessed that list, you may then select a tool by right clicking on it and choosing open hyperlink. You will then be linked to the tool's information which will include a link to the tool. To return back to the original pages of the Matrix, right click on the Return to Matrix arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the page and choose open hyperlink. Clicking Return to Matrix arrow will either 1) take you back to the original matrix, or 2) take you back to the grade summary page (i.e., Enderle icon takes you back to the 9th grade assessment page).
For a copy of the ND Transition Assessment Matrix PowerPoint which was updated in March 2020 contact the Office of Special Education at (701) 328-2277.