
The NDDPI has money reserved through ESSER III funds to grant to up to seven districts. NDSLI grants will focus on systemwide literacy improvement. The grant will support a district-wide literacy audit, a consultant-led curriculum review, and funds to support professional development, curriculum and supplies, and personnel funds as determined by the audit and curriculum review.

The NDDPI is committed to literacy for all North Dakota children, from Birth through Grade 12. The NDSLI Grant, made available through ESSER III funds, is aimed at improving literacy skills through the development of systemic approaches that put in place scientifically-based best practices in literacy instruction driven by a continuous improvement plan. The grant opportunity utilizes the North Dakota Comprehensive Literacy Plan as a structure for improvement emphasizing systemwide administrator and instructor professional learning implementation.

The NDSLI grant is guided by the following goal:

  • Improve instructional support to ensure all learners attain a level of literacy that allows them the lifelong ability to
    • Accurately communicate ideas to others, and
    • Independently access knowledge for self and world improvement.

The NDSLI has the following objectives which align with the ND PK-12 Strategic Vision

  • Increase students who enter kindergarten prepared to learn
  • Increase students who demonstrate reading proficiency in 3rd grade.
  • Increase students who meet expected learning gains in literacy each year
  • Increase students who graduate choice-ready

