
Greater Math in ND logo

The NDDPI is committed to helping improve mathematical concept understanding for all North Dakota children and equipping educators with the tools to do so. The >Math in ND program is a grant opportunity made available through ESSER III funds to promote the use of blended learning instructional approaches in grades 3-8 math classrooms in North Dakota. Because math is cumulative, unfinished learning and skills from prior years make it difficult for students to master new concepts and achieve proficiency in later grades (New Classrooms, 2019). This program aims to increase math growth by closing the students’ math gaps by implementing a high-quality blended learning model. 

This grant opportunity utilizes a collaborative approach for sustained change by including resources and supports from the REL Central (a mathematics research firm serving North Dakota), the NDDPI, and local >Math in ND teams from selected districts, along with involvement from other educational partners, including the ND Regional Education Associations.

>Math in ND Grant Award Recipients

  • Glenburn School District
  • Grand Forks School District
  • Lone Tree School District
  • McKenzie Co. School District
  • Minot School District
  • New England School District
  • St. John School District
  • Wahpeton School District

Meeting Students Where They Are: Introducing the Partnership for Accelerating Math Achievement in North Dakota


The point of contact for this application process is listed below. Please direct all communications regarding this grant opportunity to the point of contact.

Kate Waechter, Program Administrator

(701) 328-2432 

Applicants are encouraged to read and review the resources listed below that highlight how a blended learning model with educator support can target each student’s unique math gaps. When complemented with practicing continuous monitoring, refinement, and improvement of instructional practices, the NDDPI believes >Math in ND will increase math outcomes for students in grades 3-8.