
Q: Are non-public schools eligible for these funds?

  • LEAs that receive CARES Act Relief Funding must provide equitable services to non-public schools. Non-public schools are not eligible for funds; however, they are eligible for services. LEAs must retain control of the funding and items purchased with such funds. The funds can’t go directly to non-public schools.

Q: What services could be provided for non-public schools?

  • Non-public services could be provided in any of the following categories:
    • Any activities authorized under ESSA, IDEA, Perkins, Subtitle B of McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act
    • Coordinate emergency response
    • Support local leaders
    • Ensure preparedness and coordination
    • Purchase cleaning supplies
    • Purchase educational technology
    • Mental health supports
    • Summer learning
    • Professional development
    • Distance learning
    • A more in-depth listing can be found on the CARES Act Relief Funding webpage.

Q: As a non-public school, we do not receive transportation funds. We are using our bus to deliver meals during COVID-19 closure. Can the funds be used to pay for transportation for meals delivered?

  • Non-public schools do not receive funds, but are eligible to receive services from the LEA. Both entities would work in collaboration to budget for these services. Transportation fees would be an allowable use of CARES Act funding.

Q: Will non-public schools use NDDPI’s Grant Management System for this grant process?

  • Non-public schools do not receive funds, but will receive services from the LEA. You will work in collaboration to budget for these services but will not have to complete an application in the WebGrants system. There is the capability to provide viewing rights to the LEA application if that is decided during the consultation process.

Q: If a new non-public school has elected to participate in CARES Act services that has never participated in Title services before, is worksheet G for 19-20 still used?

  • Yes, and the LEA would need to provide Worksheet G to the NDDPI in order to determine the non-public schools equitable share for services.

Q: For Section 18002, are there funds available for non-public schools?

  • The CARES Act provides relief funding to LEAs through two separate funding streams. Section 18002 provides funding (a.k.a. Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund) flowing through the North Dakota Office of the Governor. Section 18003 provides funding (a.k.a. CARES Act Relief Funding) flowing through the NDDPI. Both funding streams allow for equitable services provided to non-public schools. Actual funding is not available for non-public school.

Q: Will private school estimated allocations for equitable services be posted on the NDDPI site?

  • Yes. Non-Public allocations are posted.

Q: Are colonies considered non-public schools for CARES Act funding?

  • No. Typically, these are schools are part of the public school structure.

Q: Are the allowable use of funds the same for the non-public?

  • Yes, please see Non-public Q&A from the USED.

Q: If a non-public school indicated it wanted to receive services in the 2020-2021 “Intent to Participate”, will this automatically qualify for CARES Act services?

  • No. The CARES Act Relief Funding “Intent to Participate” is different than the 2020-2021 “Intent to Participate” that is submitted for federal Title programs (i.e., Title I, Title II, Title IV).