BISMARCK, N.D., Nov. 17, 2022 – State School Superintendent Kirsten Baesler said Thursday that St. John High School and Mott-Regent High School are being honored for outstanding improvements to their students’ academic achievement.
The two high schools will receive Distinguished Schools Awards from the National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators, Baesler said. St. John’s was chosen because of its exceptional student performance and academic growth for at least two years, while Mott-Regent was nominated for improved math results for low-income students.
The national association is made up of state school officials who administer federal education aid programs. ESEA stands for Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the principal federal law that benefits K-12 education.
Each state education department nominates as many as two schools each year for consideration as distinguished schools. Qualifying schools have at least 35 percent of their students in low-income families and have demonstrated high academic achievement for two or more consecutive years.