Thursday, August 1, 2019 - 07:45 am Categories:

Choice Ready is an element in the North Dakota accountability system to measure whether our high schools prepare students to be ready for success upon graduation. The metrics outlined within the Choice Ready framework are intended to measure growth for North Dakota high schools as indicated by student readiness in the following areas:

Possessing Essential Skills

  • Post-Secondary Ready

  • Workforce Ready

  • Military Ready

The positive messaging behind the Choice Ready framework is inclusive of all students and helps students identify career cluster which will prepare and enhance success in any or multiple areas beyond high school. The Choice Ready framework supports the NDDPI mission: “All students will graduate choice ready with the knowledge, skills, and disposition to be successful.”

All North Dakota public high schools have completed their second-Choice Ready report for the 2018-2019 school year. We had 100% submission rate.

  • It was critical that every public high school in North Dakota complete and submit a Choice Ready report to secure these points in the accountability system. The Choice Ready report is 21% of your accountability report and worth 129 points.

  • August 2019 will be the first time North Dakota reports on the new Choice Reading Initiative.

The department is now compiling the data for inclusion of Choice Ready results on the School Accountability report, which will be represented by a graphic showing growth, as indicated below:



The North Dakota Choice Ready framework is a tool to assist educators in ensuring that all students successfully graduate high school possessing the critical skills necessary to be ready for life. The Choice Ready measure is calculated based upon year-over-year growth in the overall performance of the school’s graduating class having acquired the Essential Skills and attained the readiness areas of Post-Secondary, Workforce, and/or Military/Life Skills within the framework. High schools must improve year after year to maintain the Choice Ready goals as established within North Dakota’s accountability initiatives.