
About 21st CCLC External Organizations

In order to increase the capacity of North Dakota's communities to offer high-quality 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) applications and programs, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction to make available a list of potential North Dakota non-profit "external organizations" that 21st CCLC applicants may be interested in partnering with when building a 21st CCLC out-of-school-time program.  Community partnerships within 21st CCLC programs are strongly encouraged as they have the potential to increase program quality, variety, and sustainability. 

The term “external organization” is defined by ESSA as: 

  • A nonprofit organization with a record of success in running or working with before and after school (or summer recess) programs and activities; or 

  • In the case of a community where there is no such organization, a nonprofit organization in the community that enters into a written agreement or partnership with an organization described in subparagraph (A) to receive mentoring and guidance in running or working with before and after school (or summer recess) programs and activities (ESSA, section 4201). 

Information for Interested Organizations

Information for Interested Organizations

To meet the requirements for the minimum record of success, any organization submitting a Profile must:

  • Operate as a nonprofit organization in good standing in North Dakota; and
  • Possess a minimum of five years of experience operating or delivering services to out-of-school time programs in North Dakota.



  1. An organization DOES NOT need to appear on this list in order to be eligible to apply for a North Dakota 21st CCLC grant as a main applicant or to serve as a formal or informal partner on a grant application

  2. When including an organization on the list, NDDPI cannot ensure the organization will be invited to partner, nor can it guarantee the quality of the organization’s services. 

  3. Submitting a “Profile Form” or being on the “North Dakota 21st CCLC List of External Organizations” will not result in funding from or a contract with the NDDPI.

  4. All information submitted on the “Profile Form” by an external organization is considered public information.

  5. The NDDPI's inclusion of an organization on the “North Dakota 21st CCLC List of External Organizations” is not an endorsement of the organization, nor is it a certification or guarantee of the quality of services provided by the organization.

  6. The NDDPI's inclusion of an organization on the “North Dakota 21st CCLC List of External Organizations” has no bearing on any contracts or funding with the DDOE or other state agencies.

  7. Listed external organizations are not prohibited from entering contractual agreements with 21st CCLC or other federally funded subgrantees or contractors.

  8. The “North Dakota 21st CCLC List of External Organizations" will be posted for informational purposes only for any 21st CCLC grant applicant/grantee to view and utilize at their own discretion. 

North Dakota 21st CCLC List of Approved External Organizations

North Dakota 21st CCLC List of Approved External Organizations

Primary Contact Contact Email Website Afterschool Programming and Services
Dr. Laura Munski

Resources for educators on our website. Assist with program planning, curriculum development, teacher training and coordinated program support.

In-person; virtual


Primary Contact Contact Email Website Afterschool Programming and Services
Mickey Berry

Emerado is interested in providing innovation and STEM related services to students who have experienced trauma, poverty, and transient lifestyles. We would like to provide our students with memorable, innovative, and creative practices that can be applied anywhere. The ND SmartLab is a program that the center for distance learning provides for schools to apply. Right now, we are hoping to expand to a wing of the school by adding a room for our library, and one for STEM/STEAM/Innovation Learning for after-school as well as in-school.


Primary ContactContact EmailWebsiteAfterschool Programming and Services
John PearceJohn@CSisElementary.org

School- and District-wide Family Engagement: Family Code Camps, Family Code Nights and Family AI Nights. Computer Science and AI learning events and awareness campaigns, for all K-5 schools, students and families.

In-person; virtual; on-demand

Primary Contact Contact Email Website Afterschool Programming and Services
Lorraine Davis

Our goal through our Great Plains Indians Youth and Family Engagement Center is to promote educational, social, cultural, economic and behavioral components to exhibit positive behavioral and the prevention of socio-economic challenges that negatively and disproportionately impact tribal students and populations through a Native American Youth Leadership Program, workforce development programs (college and career readiness) and cultural programs for youth and families to prevent, as follows: homelessness, behavioral health, high school dropout and juvenile delinquency.


Primary Contact Contact Email Website Afterschool Programming and Services
Kristin Knorr

The ND Afterschool Network can support 21CCLC programs to increase quality and build leadership capacity through training, professional development, technical assistance, and coaching framed by the ND Quality Standards for Out-of-School Time Programs. The Network advocates on behalf of and can support 21CCLC programs in advocating by providing resources, opportunities, and organized events to elevate youth and program voice.

In-person, virtual; on-demand

Primary Contact Contact Email Website Afterschool Programming and Services
Arin Casavant

We are willing to develop and partner with other agencies to develop STEM/SEL programming that reaches all ages, from 0-Adults. We require our programs to align to educational standards and include SEL components. All programming and services should meet our goals of STEM Education and building career opportunities and career development for North Dakota.

In-person; virtual; on-demand

Primary Contact Contact Email Website Afterschool Programming and Services
Jennifer Carlson

Community partnerships within the NESC 21st CCLC programs are strongly encouraged as they have the potential to increase program quality, variety, and sustainability.

In-person; virtual

Primary Contact Contact Email Website Afterschool Programming and Services
Matthew Anderson

North Dakota Council on the Arts is committed to improving equity and access to the arts for all students, especially those marginalized due to social economic status and/or geographic or cultural barriers, through a variety of partnerships and grant programs.

In-person; virtual