
ACT is a curriculum and standards-based tool measuring what students have learned in high school to assist in determining academic readiness for college, military, and career.  ACT scores are used for scholarship purposes, dual credit, college entrance and placement, academic and career advising, and school/district accountability purposes.

Due to recent legislative changes, beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, the state will no longer provide a state-paid ACT or WorkKeys test for all its juniors, including public, private, and home school students. NDDPI will, however, continue to coordinate and pay for ACT testing for juniors in public school districts that elect to use ACT as their high school accountability tool.

School districts planning to offer the ACT to their students for any other reason will need to work directly with ACT in order to test through the ACT District Testing program. School districts may also request their own local ACT WorkKeys site license to provide testing opportunities for their students.

The ACT Technical Manual contains detailed technical information about the ACT Test and explains, in detail, its intended uses and interpretations.
