
Printable One-Pager - Substitute License Requirements and Application


Thank you for your interest in being a substitute teacher in North Dakota. Our requirements for an interim substitute license are:

  • Official transcript documenting a minimum of 48 semester hours of college coursework
  • Successful background check completed with ESPB. Background check instructions found here 
  • Online application for the interim substitute license. Click here to begin your online application 

The substitute license is $95 and is valid for a period of 2 years. There is also a one-time non-refundable application fee of $30. The license expires on the applicant's birthday. A substitute license allows a person to be a substitute teacher grades K-12 in all ND schools. To learn more specific information about the steps to obtain an interim substitute license in North Dakota, you may click here.



ESPB has partnered with Frontline to provide online training to individuals with less than 48 credits of college education who are interested in substitute teaching. The training costs $99 and takes approximately 20 hours to complete. Please click on this link to register for the training and make sure you select North Dakota.

Once an individual completes the training, they will use the ND Teach Login button above to register and apply for a substitute teaching license. Upon submission of their application, an applicant will be required to also submit the following documents: