ESPB Goals
- The Education Standards and Practices Board (ESPB) will ensure that all educators licensed in North Dakota have met all ND standards.
- The ESPB will establish and regularly review a system of initial certification, renewal, and endorsement based on current professional knowledge of research and best practice.
- The ESPB will communicate the licensure process and the importance of professional licensure to all those involved with education in ND.
- The ESPB will seek coordination and alignment of certification, credentialing, and accreditation standards and processes.
- The ESPB will establish and maintain relations with professional groups that share its mission.
Program Approval
- The ESPB will establish a process of continual review and refinement of standards that reflect current research and knowledge.
- The ESPB will ensure broad input from professionals in the field.
- The ESPB will establish and maintain relations with professional groups that share its mission.
Professional Development
- The ESPB will develop methods for adoption and application of its model for inservice education and staff development.
- The ESPB will recommend and encourage the use of effective practices for professional development.
- The ESPB will continually research the effective practices for professional development and refine its model accordingly.
- The ESPB will relate its model and knowledge of effective practices for professional development to the certification renewal and program approval processes.
- The ESPB will establish and maintain relations with professional groups that share its mission.
Professional Practices
- The Educator's Code of Ethics will promote educator behaviors that will foster a safe, positive, and effective learning environment for students.
- The ESPB will uphold the educational licensure laws of the state of North Dakota.
- The ESPB will uphold the standards of the profession and the Educators Code of Ethics through its review of complaints.
- The ESPB will give impartial consideration to all complaints filed against ND educators.
Administration Responsibilities
- The ESPB will employ a staff that understands and supports the mission of the board.
- The ESPB will be recognized by its constituents as the agency responsible for ensuring the high standards of North Dakota educators.
- The ESPB will work with policy makers to develop legislation that supports its mission.
- The ESPB will uphold and implement the laws and rules that affect its mission.
- The ESPB will actively engage in adoption and modification of policies and procedures which support its mission.
- The ESPB and its staff will responsibly manage its fiscal resources in accordance with its mission.