North Dakota Highway Patrol trooper recruits will attend the Law Enforcement Training Academy, 1320 Schafer Street in Bismarck.
Trainees will stay at the LETA Sunday night through Friday. Room and board are provided at no cost.
In addition to classroom instruction, each recruit will complete a field training program. Physical fitness is a daily part of the training. Recruits must achieve minimum performance standards of the Critical Task Assessment (CTA) prior to completion of the ND Highway Patrol Academy, click to view the requirements. Applicants should initiate a regular fitness program to prepare for the academy.
The ND Highway Patrol academy includes, but is not limited to, the following training:
- Traffic law enforcement
- Criminal investigations where the NDHP has limited authority and jurisdiction.
- Pursuit driving
- Weapons training
- First aid
- Defensive tactics
- Officer-violator relations
- Stopping and approaching violators
- Felony vehicle stops.
- Roadblocks
- Vehicle inspections
- Motor carrier weight enforcement
- Use of emergency equipment
- Crash Investigation
- Mock trial
Written and/or practical examinations are administered in most courses at the academy. Students are expected to perform satisfactorily in all activities. A student failing to do satisfactory work or found cheating will be dismissed.
Students must obtain a 70 percent on weekly exams. Students below 70 percent will be required to meet with the training director. All students must pass a final examination to be issued a certificate of completion, when applicable.