
The North Dakota Highway Patrol


​​​​​OUR MISSIONThe mission of the North Dakota Highway Patrol is to make a difference every day by providing high-quality law enforcement services to keep North Dakota safe and secure.

OUR VISION: Public safety through quality service.


  • Loyalty — We will show allegiance to ourselves, our department, the state of North Dakota, our community, and to those who came before us and sacrificed so much to ensure the safety of our citizens.

  • Integrity — We are honest, responsible, and ethical. Citizens place the highest trust in the NDHP. Each member must recognize that they are held to a higher standard of accountability than the public. We must always be mindful to NEVER violate the public trust. Our conduct, both on and off duty, must be beyond reproach.

  • Commitment — To fulfill the vision of the NDHP each employee must deliberately carry out their duties and responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

  • Respect — Because we are a diverse culture we value each other and all members of our community regardless of age, race, gender, appearance, individual beliefs or lifestyles. We will always show understanding, respect, and appreciation for our similarities and differences.

  • Professionalism — To be considered professional we must conform to the technical and ethical standards of our profession. Because we are highly trained and dedicated we are capable of handling the daily demands of law enforcement and devoting our full energy and talents to the department’s vision.

  • Accountability — Employees at all levels and ranks must accept responsibility for their actions both in their personal life and in their professional life.

Employee Performance Quality Report: The North Dakota Highway Patrol expects a high level of professionalism from all employees. The department shall recognize exceptional performance and correct, improve, or eliminate poor performance through the presentation of awards and commendations, the assignment of remedial training, counseling, or the administration of corrective and punitive measures.

Share a compliment about an NDHP employee by contacting the NDHP at 701-328-2447 or via email. This information will be forwarded to the individual and their commander or supervisor.

2023 Internal Affairs

NDHP Publications

Current Multi-Year Plan (2024-2028)

2023 Annual Report