- NDHP Bills of Interest after Crossover FINAL (updated: 5/11/2023)
- Legislative Contact Information
- NDHP Budget Hearing Power Point 1.9.2023
- NDHP Executive Budget One-Pager 1.9.2023
- HB1060 Special Permit Fees Permits Supervisor Jackie Darr 1.5.2023
- HB1061 Windows Impairing Driver's Vision Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 1.5.2023
- SB2053 Terminology re: Troopers and Crashes Major Aaron Hummel 1.6.2023
- SB2054 Powers of the Highway Patrol Major Aaron Hummel 1.6.2023
- SB2120 Overweight Vehicle Limitations Major Tom Iverson 1.6.2023
- HB1011 NDHP Appropriation Colonel Brandon Solberg 1.9.2023
- SB2118 Abandoned vehicles Major Aaron Hummel 1.13.2023
- HB1021 NDIT Appropriation-Security system upgrade Captain Luke Hendrickson 1.18.2023
- HB1011 NDHP Appropriation-additional information Colonel Brandon Solberg 1.19.2023
- SB2168 Increasing fees for speeding violations Trooper Jake Jones 1.19.2023
- SB2168 Increasing fees for speeding violations Sgt. Wade Kadrmas (representing Vision Zero)1.19.2023
- SB2169 Increasing fines for certain offenses Trooper Jake Jones 1.19.2023
- SB2169 Increasing fines for certain offenses Sgt. Wade Kadrmas (representing Vision Zero) 1.19.2023
- SB2189 Entering a closed road Captain Bryan Niewind 1.19.2023
- HB1181 Overwidth travel Permits Supervisor Jackie Darr 1.20.2023
- HB1388 Stipends for Retired K9s Lt. Adam Dvorak 1.25.2023
- SB2285 Leaving the scene of a property crash Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 1.26.2023
- HB1279 Presumptive heart coverage Major Aaron Hummel 1.26.2023
- HB1325 Failure to Yield at ROW Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 1.26.2023
- HB1475 80 MPH Speed Limit Trooper Jake Jones 1.26.2023
- HB1475 80 MPH Speed Limit Sgt. Wade Kadrmas (representing Vision Zero) 1.26.2023
- HB1295 Single Vehicle Plates Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 1.26.2023
- HB 1341 Firearms allowed at Capitol Captain Luke Hendrickson 1.26.2023
- HB1203 Powers of the Peace Officer Standards & Training Board Lt. Daniel Haugen (representing the POST Board) 1.27.2023
- HB1253 Requiring Tarps for Aggregate Materials Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 1.27.2023
- SB2016 Adjutant General Appropriation: 24 Hour Joint Ops Center Colonel Brandon Solberg 1.27.2023
- HB1506 Removes bicycle and ridden animal as deemed a vehicle Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 2.2.2023
- SB2362 Primary Seatbelt Law Trooper Christa Kovarik 2.3.2023
- SB2385 Seizing personal property without due process Major Tom Iverson 2.6.2023
- SB2107 Presumed sentences for certain offenses Lt. Adam Dvorak (representing NDPOA) 2.6.2023
- HB1537 Data Collection and Bias Crimes Lt. Daniel Haugen (representing the POST Board) 2.7.2023
- HB1011 NDHP Appropriation additional FTE justification information Colonel Brandon Solberg 2.7.2023
- HB1279 Presumptive heart coverage: Senate Testimony Major Aaron Hummel 2.2.2023
- SB2053 Terminology re: Troopers and Crashes: House Testimony Captain Luke Hendrickson 2.16.2023
- SB2054 Powers of the Highway Patrol: House Testimony Major Aaron Hummel 2.16.2023
- HB1060 Special Permit Fees: Senate Testimony Permits Supervisor Jackie Darr 2.16.2023
- HB1061 Windows Impairing Driver's Vision: Senate Testimony Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 2.16.2023
- HB1295 Single license plates: Senate Testimony Major Tom Iverson 3.2.2023
- SB2120 Overweight Vehicle Limitations House Testimony Major Tom Iverson 3.2.2023
- HB1506 Removes bicycle and ridden animal as deemed a vehicle: Senate Testimony Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 3.3.2023
- SB2168 Increasing fees for speeding violations: House Testimony Trooper Jake Jones 3.3.2023
- SB2168 Increasing fees for speeding violations: House Testimony Sgt. Wade Kadrmas (representing Vision Zero) 3.3.2023
- SB2189 Entering a closed road: House Testimony Captain Bryan Niewind 3.3.2023
- HB1388 Stipends for Retired K9s: Senate Testimony Lt. Adam Dvorak 3.7.2023
- HB1388 Stipends for Retired K9s: Senate Testimony Trooper Steve Mayer 3.7.2023
- HB1012 NDDOT Appropriation: Senate Testimony Colonel Brandon Solberg 3.7.2023
- HB1011 NDHP Appropriation: Senate Testimony Colonel Brandon Solberg 3.8.2023
- HB1011 NDHP Appropriation-Powerpoint: Senate Testimony Colonel Brandon Solberg 3.8.2023
- HB1203 Powers of the POST Board: Senate Testimony Lt. Dan Haugen (representing the POST Board) 3.9.2023
- SB2169 Serial Traffic Offenders: House Testimony Sgt. Wade Kadrmas (representing Vision Zero) 3.9.2023
- SB2169 Serial Traffic Offenders: House Testimony Trooper Jake Jones 3.9.2023
- SB2285 Leaving the scene of a property crash: House Testimony Major Tom Iverson 3.9.2023
- HB1475 80 MPH on Interstate: Senate Testimony Sgt. Wade Kadrmas (representing Vision Zero) 3.9.2023
- HB1475 80 MPH on Interstate: Senate Testimony Trooper Jake Jones 3.9.2023
- SB2362 Primary Seatbelt Law: House Testimony Colonel Brandon Solberg 3.9.2023
- SB2362 Primary Seatbelt Law: House Testimony Trooper Christa Kovarik 3.9.2023
- SB2118 Abandoned vehicles: House Testimony Major Aaron Hummel 3.16.2023
- HB1181 Overwidth travel: Senate Testimony Permits Supervisor Jackie Darr 3.16.2023
- HB1011 NDHP Appropriation-Senate Supplemental Testimony Major Aaron Hummel 3.17.2023
- SB2168 Increasing fees for Speeding Violations: Requested Information-House Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 3.23.2023
- HB1285 Limitations of Introduction of Legislative Bills: Senate Testimony Colonel Brandon Solberg 3.24.2023
- SB2053 Terminology re: Troopers and Crashes: Requested Information-House; Capt. Luke Hendrickson 3.28.2023
- SB2053 Terminology re: Troopers and Crashes: Proposed Amendment-House; Capt. Luke Hendrickson 3.28.2023
- SB2169 Serial Traffic Offenders: Requested Information-House Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 3.29.2023
- SB2168 Increasing fees for Speeding Violations: Requested Information-House Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 3.29.2023
- SB2168 Increasing fees for Speeding Violations: Proposed Amendment-House Sgt. Wade Kadrmas 3.30.2023