Tuesday, August 23, 2022 - 04:02 pm

As children head back to school, Parents Lead, a North Dakota program administered by the Department of Human Services’ Behavioral Health Division, reminds parents, caregivers and professionals who work with children and families that resources are available to help support children’s overall behavioral health and well-being throughout the school year. 

“Transitioning back to school can be both exciting and overwhelming for children and their families,” said division assistant director Laura Anderson. “Equipping parents and caregivers with simple strategies can help start the school year off on the right foot.”

Parents Lead offers these tips for parents to help their children prepare for the new school year.

  • Ease into a routine so the first few days of school are not so stressful. 
  • Encourage involvement in structured after-school programs to gain self-confidence by developing skills.
  • Set limits through household rules and expectations to help reduce risky behaviors.
  • Stay engaged in school events and classwork to support overall well-being.
  • Learn the signs and symptoms of substance use or mental health concerns.

Parents Lead also offers professionals who work directly with children, parents and families a wide variety of information on recognizing the signs and symptoms of a behavioral health concern, prevention and early intervention strategies, treatment and recovery services, and other resources.

Interested individuals can order Parents Lead resources online at no cost from the North Dakota Prevention Resource and Media Center at www.parentslead.org/communities/order-materials

Parents Lead is an evidence-based prevention program with the primary goal of providing parents and caregivers with tools and resources to support them in promoting the behavioral health and of their children.

Visit ParentsLead.org or follow Parents Lead on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.