Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - 11:16 am

The North Dakota Department of Commerce and the State Historical Society of North Dakota unveiled a new concept for expanded services for visitors at the Chateau de Mores Visitor Center in Medora today.  

With the interest in safe and worry-free travel throughout rural areas increasing due to the pandemic, North Dakota has an opportunity to provide improved visitor services without investing in expensive visitor centers found in most other states.  

“By better leveraging existing infrastructure and staffing in place, the state can elevate the Be Legendary brand and provide valuable referrals to tourism and hospitality businesses which were the most impacted of all industries by COVID-19, ”Commerce Tourism and Marketing Director Sara Otte Coleman said.  

The collaborative effort involving North Dakota Tourism, the State Historical Society of North Dakota, North Dakota Department of Transportation and North Dakota Parks and Recreation would apply our culture and values by reinventing government and working as one. This site is the first in the state to provide personal service, updated state branding and access to statewide promotional materials. 

“The State Historical Society and North Dakota Tourism share a great many things in common and by working with each other we can broaden the net and extend the wonders of North Dakota to a wide audience. State Historical Society Director Bill Peterson said. “This project is a win, win, and win." 

North Dakota’s visitor centers are one of the first opportunities to make an impression on travelers and encourage visitation to communities, attractions and events throughout the state. New enhancements to include a chat feature and updates to the visitor services area will provide front-line employees with the most up-to-date information. 

The new state road map and another visitor services center at the Oriska rest area will be ready later this spring.