Monday, December 20, 2021 - 02:34pm

The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department announces the Park District Facility Renovation Grant (PDFRG) opening on January 3, 2022. This 50% matching grant is available to local park districts for renovation, upgrade and/or repair of existing facilities. The grant application cycle will be open until January 31, 2022. 

This $5 million grant offers local park districts the ability to compete in one of two population categories. Category A has available $1.5 million and is for population centers 0 - 14,999. Category B has $3.5 million available for population centers 15,000 and higher. The PDFRG grant is funded with federal dollars awarded to the state through the American Rescue Plan Act.  

For further information, including application and submission, please visit our website at For more information, contact Anton Hillig at   

The mission of the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department is to offer a diversity of recreation opportunities and sustainably manage resources.