Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 09:26 am

Governor Doug Burgum has proclaimed July Lakes Appreciation Month in North Dakota. North Dakota invokes images of the Badlands, wheatfields, and even oil wells. People certainly think of the Missouri River and the recreational opportunities it provides. Still, they may be surprised to learn that North Dakota has about 4,500 lakes—of which 450 are accessible to the public.

North Dakota lakes are desirable destinations for boating, fishing, camping, and swimming. Lake festivities in the summer and fishing derbies attract in-state and out-of- state recreational enthusiasts alike.

Most state residents get their drinking water from groundwater or river sources. However, about 67,000 North Dakotans depend on a lake as their source of drinking water.

As you venture out to your favorite lake for a fishing trip, a weekend of camping or just a leisurely boat ride, remember it depends on you to keep it Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) free. Rinse your watercraft thoroughly before and after entering any body of water. Also, you can keep the shorelines clean by “Packing Out what you Pack In.”

To help celebrate Lakes Appreciation Month, consider leading or taking part in activities such as:

  • Organizing a lake cleanup project
  • Hosting a biking or hiking event at a local lake
  • Helping to facilitate a local lake festival

Enjoy your time on North Dakota’s waters!