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A covered farm vehicle by definition is (1)a straight truck or articulated vehicle that is registered in a State with a license plate or other designation issued by the State of registration that allows law enforcement officials to identify it as a farm vehicle; Operated by the owner or operator of a farm or ranch, or an employee or family member of a an owner or operator of a farm or ranch; Used to transport agricultural commodities, livestock, machinery or supplies to or from a farm or ranch; and Not used in for-hire motor carrier operations; however, for-hire motor carrier operations do not include the operation of a vehicle meeting the requirements of paragraphs (1)(i) through (iii) of this definition by a tenant pursuant to a crop share farm lease agreement to transport the landlord’s portion of the crops under that agreement. (2) Meeting the requirements of paragraphs (1)(i) through (iv) of this definition: (i) With a gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating, whichever is greater, of 26,000 pounds or less may utilize the exemptions in § 390.39 anywhere in the United States; or (ii) With a gross vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight rating, whichever is greater, of more than 26,000 pounds may utilize the exemptions in § 390.39 anywhere in the State of registration or across State lines within 150 air miles of the farm or ranch with respect to which the vehicle is being operated.