Tuesday, August 20, 2019 - 07:30 am

Radar / Laser Detectors

The use of radar / laser detectors is legal in the State of North Dakota in non-commercial motor vehicles.  The use of a radar detector in a commercial motor vehicle is a violation of state and federal law.

Although using a radar detector is legal, it may not be viewed favorably by law enforcement. The presence of a radar detector can be mentioned by an officer during court if an individual chooses to contest the citation. Law enforcement will often know when a radar / laser detector is being used. After an officer activates a radar / laser the speed of the target vehicle can be observed dramatically decreasing. At night there is also a noticeable dip in the target vehicles headlights when the driver suddenly applies the brakes to slow down.   

Double Yellow Lines

There have been questions raised regarding the use of double solid yellow lines in smaller communities.  These lines are usually on a “Main St.” prohibiting vehicles from turning left and into a parking stall.  These double solid yellow lines are known as the ‘no-passing’ lines indicating no passing or driving to the left of the double solid yellow line.

North Dakota Century Code 39-10-15 allows for local authorities to determine portions of roadway under their jurisdiction where crossing to the left side of the roadway would be hazardous. For example, on Main Avenue in Napoleon there are double solid yellow lines and no U-turn signs prohibiting vehicles traveling in one direction to turn left into a parking spot on the other side of the road. All vehicles need to turn right into a parking spot.  When vehicles back out of the parking spot they need to proceed in the same direction they were originally traveling. 

For a local jurisdiction to enforce this law, there must be appropriate signs or markings on the roadway, which are clearly visible to an ordinarily observant person, indicating the beginning and ending of such zones.  No driver may at any time drive on the left side of any pavement striping.  The exception to this rule is when the driver of a vehicle is turning left into or from an alley, private road, or driveway.

When must trailers be registered?

According to NDCC 39-04-18(2)(M), any trailer, semi-trailer, or farm trailer when the gross weight, not including the weight of the towing vehicle, exceeds one thousand five hundred pounds and it is for hire or commercial use must be registered and have a license plate.  A trailer is also required to be registered when used to transport recreational vehicles or boats and it is for hire or commercial use.

If a person uses a trailer for commercial use, the trailer must be registered.  If a handyman or a local lawn service uses a trailer to haul grass clippings, mowers, etc., and they are compensated for it, then the trailer must be registered.

Semi-trailers and farm trailers may be “permanently” registered for a one-time fee of $120 until the semi-trailer or farm trailer is sold or destroyed. 

The mission of the North Dakota Highway Patrol is to make a difference every day by providing high-quality law enforcement services to keep North Dakota safe and secure. NDHP invites you to visit the FAQ section of our website: www.nd.gov/ndhp, like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/northdakotahighwaypatrol or join us on Twitter @NDHighwayPatrol or Instagram, www.instagram.com/ndhighwaypatrol, where you can learn more about traffic safety, get tips, and read NDHP news.  Download the NDHP mobile app to receive notifications, download a .pdf of items to include in your winter weather travel kit, report a crime tip, thank a trooper, ask a question, or make a suggestion for next month’s Under the Trooper’s Hat feature.