Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - 08:12 am Categories:
News Releases

For a second year, the State Auditor’s Office will be holding its free virtual audit conference on Wednesday, July 19th from 8:45 a.m. until 4 p.m. CT. The conference — called the Audit Summit — is geared towards providing training and helpful resources to local governments.

Topics of the conference include:

  • General auditing tips
  • Understanding the Single Audit
  • Best practices for creating budgets
  • How to prepare for an audit
  • Law changes that impact audit requirements
  • Question and answer panel

“The 2022 Audit Summit was very educational for our agency and it’s something we’re looking forward to attending annually,” said a previous attendee. “All of the speakers did a great job addressing a diverse audience.”

To learn more and to sign up, visit: