
ND Century Code 54-10-14 requires the State Auditor to audit or review each local government entity once every two years.

Annual financial reports may be prepared instead of an audit under the following condition:

Because of a change passed during the 68th Legislative Assembly, threshold amounts are increasing to the following:

  • Fiscal year beginning after January 1, 2022: all entities with annual receipts less than $2,000,000, with the exception of State boards with annual receipts less than $200,000, including any annual years that are delinquent. 

For additional information, click here.


Recent Audit Reports          Forms


Airport Authorities

Area Career and Technology Centers


Correction Centers


Firefighters Relief Associations

Garrison Diversion Conservancy District

Irrigation Districts

Park Districts

Public Libraries

Recreation Service Districts

Regional Planning Councils

Rural Ambulance Service Districts

Rural Fire Protection Districts

School Districts

Soil Conservation Districts

Southwest Water Authority

Special Education Districts

State Boards

Water Resource Districts

Weed Boards

Western Area Water Supply Authority