Wednesday, December 15, 2021 - 04:21pm Categories:
News Releases

The North Dakota State Auditor’s Office has challenged elected officials from state offices to a food collection challenge to benefit people in need this holiday season. The agencies participating are:

  • The Office of the Governor
  • The Office of the Attorney General
  • The Office of the State Treasurer
  • The Insurance Department
  • The Public Service Commission
  • The Department of Public Instruction

The total amount of food collected was divided by the number of people in each agency to determine the winner of the challenge. The winner with over 600 items donated was the Office of the Governor.

“This was a small way our office could give back to our community by working together to collect food for people in need,” said State Auditor Joshua Gallion. “We applaud the work of our colleagues from other agencies. This food drive was a tremendous success from their work and generosity.”

The food collected from all agencies totaled over 4,000 items. The collected food will be dropped off at the Bismarck Emergency Food Pantry on Thursday, December 16 at 2:30 p.m.

“We know this was a competition between several state agencies,” said Bismarck Emergency Food Pantry Co-Chair, Pat Jergenson. “The real winner here is the folks who will now be able to have a Christmas meal with their family.”