Friday, September 27, 2019 - 01:00 pm Categories:
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September 27, 2019


Audit Calls for Better Documentation of Faculty and Remote Workers at University of North Dakota

Contact information: Brianna Ludwig, North Dakota State Auditor’s Office, 701-328-2453,

State Auditor Joshua Gallion today released an audit of the University of North Dakota (UND) which shows that of the 31 faculty personnel files tested, all of them had required information that was either not performed or located elsewhere and four did not have annual evaluations performed.

During the audit we also found that UND does not have proper controls in place to ensure all remote workers (or Flexplace employees) documents are retained, approved, and properly tracked. Specifically in the 14 employees we tested we found: 3 employees did not have agreements on file; 11 agreements tested were lacking proper approval; 5 employees did not have documentation of workers compensation insurance; 13 employees did not have an HR evaluation performed; 7 employees did not have renewal or discontinuation form completed; 4 employees did not have proper equipment checkout documentation; and  4 employees tested were not on the Flexplace tracking spreadsheet.

"The University needs to review their procedures to maintain coverages to maximize results while minimizing risk to the University and its employees,” Auditor Gallion said.  

This audit is a result of the State Auditor’s Office statutory responsibility to audit or review each state agency once every two years. The complete audit report can be found on our website,