Our office operates with a commitment to independence and transparency. In addition to conducting audits of state entities, our own office undergoes scrutiny by various entities.
State and Local Government Team
Our State and Local Government Team undergoes two different reviews. They are:
The National State Auditors Association (NSAA) – Peer Review
NSAA is an affiliate of NASACT - the National Association of State Auditor’s, Comptrollers and Treasurers.
Every three years, we receive a “peer review” from NSAA. A group of expert auditors from various states across the country gather as a team onsite in our State Capitol to assure our stakeholders that we are following current Yellow Book auditing standards. The most recent peer review of our office can be found here.
The North Dakota Legislative Council - Financial Audit
Every two years, our office’s finances are audited by an independent public accountant under contract with North Dakota Legislative Council. The most recent financial audit of our office can be found here.
2023-2025 HB1541 Performance Review
The 2023-2025 legislative session passed HB1541 which appropriated funds to contract for a performance audit of the Stata Auditor's Office. The report can be found on the Legislative Council website.
Mineral Royalty Team
Our Mineral Royalty Team undergoes two different reviews. They are:
The U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) - Cooperative Agreement Review Report
ONRR is a national entity that collects and verifies energy and mineral revenue. ONRR conducts an cooperative agreement review every year of our Mineral Royalty team’s finances. View the most recent report here: Final Report, Cover Letter.
Independent Contractor Public Accountant Peer Review – Facilitated by the U. S. Department of the Interior
The US Department of Interior contracts with an independent accountant contractor that specializes in accounting and reviews of the federal government. This review of our Mineral Royalty team is completed every three years and provides assurance that our audits are done following current Yellow Book
auditing standards. View the most recent report here.
What Standards do You Follow?
Our office follows the industry’s strongest auditing standards set by:
The United States Government Accountability Office. They are also known as the GAO. They issue what is called the Yellow Book with audit standards that auditors follow.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
The AICPA is a national professional organization for Certified Public Accountants (CPA’s) in the United States. These are the audit standards our team follows.
We also follow state law (known as North Dakota Century Code) which is determined by lawmakers in our state.