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2005 Testimony

Testimony Before The House Judiciary Committee

Duane Dekrey, Chairman

Regarding House Bill 1029 - Vulnerable Adult Abuse and Neglect Public Awareness Program

January 25, 2005

Chairman DeKrey and members of the House Judiciary Committee, I am Lynne Jacobson, Elder Rights Program Administrator, Aging Services Division, Department of Human Services. I am here today as a resource and to provide information about Vulnerable Adult Protective Services in North Dakota.

The Vulnerable Adult Protective Services law is contained in North Dakota Century Code 50-25.2. In addition, the Older Americans Act requires the Aging Services Division to provide elder abuse prevention. The Older Americans Act provides a modest amount of federal funding for Elder Abuse Prevention ($25,578 in FFY 2004) which supports services provided through the Regional Human Service Centers. The Aging Services Division appropriates additional Older Americans Act funds for direct adult protective services to supplement the Elder Abuse Prevention dollars at the Human Service Centers.

The attached fact sheet provides detailed information about the Vulnerable Adult Protective Services program.

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have at this time.


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