
Transportation Campaign

The NDSCDD has funded a campaign to bring awareness and draw support for the necessity of transit in our communities for those with developmental disabilities. 

Commercial (30 second)

Long Video

News Release

Fact Sheet


Bridging Aging-Disability Grant 

The NDSCDD is part of a state team that is focused on bridging the divide between aging and disability. 

Aging Services-At A Glance Brochure 

At A Glance Brochure-Spanish

At A Glance Brochure-Swahili

ADRL Video Run Report

ADRL Informational Video

Peer to Peer

The NDSCDD has funded a research study to show the benefits of peer to peer long-term. 

Fact Sheet

Peer to Peer Manual

Peer to Peer Best Practices Worksheet

Inclusive Childcare Study

The NDSCDD has funded a research study on the needs and challenges of inclusive childcare in North Dakota.

Fact Sheet