Thursday, December 17, 2020 - 09:08am

Public Comment Sought on North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities 5 Year State Plan Goals and

Objectives for 2022-2026

Goal 1

By 2026, SCDD will promote and support-person-centered planning, self-advocacy, and leadership development of people with ID/DD and their families so their lives will be self-determined.

Objective 1

By the end of 5 years, SCDD will have trained 75 individuals with disabilities and or family members (average 15 per year) through a Partners and Policy-Making Workshop or other workshops to support training for individuals with disabilities and their families so they can advocate for themselves, change to systems, and create policy improvements.


Objective 2

Annually, SCDD will support a statewide self-advocacy organization lead by individuals with developmental disabilities. By the end of 5 years, 50 people who are not currently involved in self-advocacy will become members of a North Dakota self-advocacy organization or statewide self-advocacy initiative of their choice and trained by leaders with ID/DD so these new members may become leaders. The self-advocates will be involved in policy and advocacy efforts that benefit people with ID/DD and will be trained to become more self-determined and will expand their participation in cross-disability coalitions. (the DD Act Requirement of P&A, NDCPD, and DD Council work is met here)


Objective 3

Annually, the SCDD will provide small grants to individuals with disabilities and their families for education or training opportunities to increase advocacy skills, enable them to obtain better services and/or supports, and so they may provide education or training to others. (Consumer Leadership Development Fund grants)


Goal 2

Increase Education, Training, and Outreach efforts to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families to increase access to care, staff, employment, and better health outcomes.

Objective 1

Annually, the SCDD will support an activity to increase access to supervised and supported daytime and after school care/programs with same-aged peers for children and youth under age 18 with ID/DD when parents are not available so parents can work, individuals with disabilities can make friends, and provide parents with a break.

Objective 2

Annually, the SCDD will support an activity to increase access to formal and informal supports for people with disabilities and their families who also have a behavioral health diagnosis to create better health outcomes.  


Objective 3

Annually, the SCDD will fund a project or support an activity to increase access to programs

such as early intervention programs (post-natal) and/or prevention (pre-natal) to decrease Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in babies born in ND.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome affected individuals are the Target Disparity Group chosen per DD Act Requirements.


Objective 4

Yearly, the SCDD will provide supports to generate an increase in qualified personnel in the disabilities field through statewide recruitment/retention efforts so individuals with disabilities and their families have more access to services and supports.

Objective 5

By the end of 5 years, the SCDD will have created employment opportunities for 50 individuals with disabilities who were not employed in the community previously

Goal 3

Promote Advocacy, Systems Change, and Policy change efforts to improve access to housing, education, communication with staff/personnel, and new innovative ideas for people with disabilities and their families to live inclusive lives.

Objective 1

By the end of 5 years, SCDD will promote education and collaboration to increase access to affordable and accessible housing options for individuals with disabilities in the communities of their choice.

Objective 2

Annually, SCDD will promote strategies that improve meaningful inclusion into general education at school, including preschool and post-secondary education through training and education on universal design.

Objective 3

By the end of 5 years, a uniformity of appointment readiness system will be pilot tested and implemented to foster communication between the individual, their health provider, and their provider agency to increase positive health outcomes for the individual.

Objective 4

Annually, SCDD will support innovative projects to promote systems change and policy change activities that increase community inclusion, better access to services, supports, and other assistance for people with DD and their families. (Small Innovative Grants)


The council’s five-year state plan goals and objectives for 2022-2026 are available online at and can also be obtained by calling 701- 328-4847, 711 (TTY),

or e-mailing


Comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. (Central Time) on February 16, 2021.


Mail written comments to Julianne Horntvedt, North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities (NDSCDD), 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Bismarck, ND, 58501. Comments may also be e-mailed to


December 17, 2020 Posted