Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Categories:

Quarterly Meeting Agenda
August 9th, 2023, 1:00 PM
Dakota Room, Job Service ND Bismarck and TEAMS
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda
a. May 2023 Minutes
3. Department of Justice Olmstead updates – Lauren Powell
4. Discussion/Planning items
a. Olmstead Plan revision update – Subcommittee Members
5. Inquiry Process update – Jana Johnson
6. Advisory Council comment
7. Public comment Members

Members of the public can attend in person, virtually by clicking here, or call in.
(TEAMS audio only) +1 701-328-0950 | Conference ID: 814 584 204#
Individuals who need accommodations to participate can contact Jana Johnson: | 701-239-8984 | toll free 800-472-2670, 711 (TTY)