Sunday, January 28, 2024 - 11:00pm Categories:

Date: February 15, 2024 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (Central Time) 


Location: Job Service North Dakota. 1601 E Century Ave., Dakota Room. Please enter the Door #3 to be let in. If you need an accessible door, please use Door #2. Virtual Link through Teams below.


General comments from the public attending the meeting will be taken during the meeting.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 292 144 480 389 

Passcode: sXKtfu

Or call in (audio only)

+1 701-328-0950,,221501261# 







Call the meeting to order; roll call & introduce guests

Determine members who are present / absent




Introduce New Members to the Council

Members Introduce themselves

Richard, Heather, and Elizabeth—




Council Meeting Minutes

Approve minutes from November 9, 2023

Motion to approve



Committee Follow Up; State Plan, Advocacy, Membership, Executive, Finance

Hear what the committees have been working on in the interim

Motion to approve/vote as needed



Budget & Policy

Budget Updates



Universal Grant

Motion to Approve



Council Involvement

System of Care Grant

Katie Houle, Behavioral Health Division

Listen and have discussion






Tennessee Medicaid Waiver Redesign

Jeremy Norden-Paul, TN Department of DD

Listen and have discussion


Finish Budget Discussion

Julie Horntvedt

Provide updates, discussion, vote


Facilitated Discussion

Patrick Kirby


  1. Progress to State Plan in 2024
  2. Advocacy opportunities-waivers
  3. Upcoming IRFP’s-vote to fund
  4. Workforce
  5. Housing
  6. Partnership Opportunities


Meeting Evaluation, Public Comment, & Adjourn

Next Meeting:

May 16, 2024

10-3 p.m.


Job Service and on Teams


Recuse -- to declare yourself to be, disqualified to judge something or participate in something because of possible bias or personal interest


  • A Council member who is affiliated with an entity applying for or receiving funds shall abstain from deliberation and voting about awarding, withholding or terminating grant funds. This policy also applies to any Council member who is a family member of someone affiliated with an entity that is applying for Council funds.


  • A Council member shall abstain from deliberation and voting on policy positions when the agency he or she represents is affected by that NDSCDD policy position.


  • A Council member must declare any potential conflict of interest and disqualify himself or herself from deliberation and voting on a grant award or policy position when those conflicts of interest occur. Such abstention from voting shall be noted in the meeting Minutes.


Per out policies, the Council must make sure that no member or staff receives or creates the appearance of financial or personal gain in any amount from Council actions.



No Council member or staff shall participate in the discussion, selection, or vote of a grant or contract where the member or staff has involvement, financial interest or personal gain in the activities of the grant or contract.



No member or staff shall share confidential information acquired during official Council duties in advance of its authorized release to the public.


**If you feel you may have a conflict of interest, please excuse yourself from this discussion and/or leave the room during this agenda